序号 | 项目编号 | 项目名称 | 类 别 | 起止时间 | 负责人 | 备注 | |
1 | 201402011 | 图像引导非小细胞肺癌个体化放疗的规范和推广应用 | 国家卫计委 | 2014.06-2017.06 | 公益性行业科研专项 | ||
2 | 81472713 | Let-7g调节染色质重塑关键酶CHD4抑制肝细胞癌转移 | 国家基金 | 2015.01—2018.12 | 赵 磊 | 面上项目 | |
3 | 81472810 | 代谢与增殖显像指导非小细胞肺癌个体化放疗靶区剂量雕刻的分子机制及应用研究 | 国家基金 | 2015.01—2018.12 | 孟 雪 | 面上项目 | |
4 | 81472811 | 基于亚肝段功能单元保护优化的肝癌个体化放疗研究 | 国家基金 | 2015.01—2018.12 | 尹 勇 | 面上项目 | |
5 | 81472812 | 基于血管正常化时间窗优化胶质母细胞瘤抗血管生成治疗联合放化疗的研究 | 国家基金 | 2015.01—2018.12 | 面上项目 | ||
6 | 81472813 | 食管癌放疗过程中肿瘤干细胞加速再增殖与乏氧微环境关系及PET分子影像研究 | 国家基金 | 2015.01—2018.12 | 面上项目 | ||
7 | 81401916 | 新化合物TMZ-POH损伤自噬流抗肿瘤的分子机制 | 国家基金 | 2015.01—2017.12 | 宋兴国 | 青年基金 | |
8 | 81402538 | 原发性肝癌精确放疗致乙肝病毒再激活预测模型的建立 | 国家基金 | 2015.01—2017.12 | 黄 伟 | 青年基金 | |
9 | 2014GSF118011 | 高场强MRI类PET技术引导胸部肿瘤精确放疗的研究 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2014—2016 | 尹 勇 |
| |
10 | 2014GSF118022 | 人群食管癌代谢组学标记识别早期筛检模型构建 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2014—2016 | 王家林 |
| |
11 | 2014GSF118138 | 代谢与增殖影像结合数字病理大切片指导非小细胞肺癌个体化放疗靶区的剂量雕刻 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2014—2016 | 孟 雪 |
| |
12 | 2014GSF118176 | 分子影像指导的非鳞非小细胞放化疗疗效预测模型的建立 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2014—2016 |
| ||
13 |
| 山东省肿瘤转化医学研究中心建设 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 |
| ||
14 | JQ201423 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 袁双虎 | 杰出青年基金 | ||
15 | ZR2014HZ003 | 乳腺癌内乳区淋巴引流规律及前哨淋巴结活检研究(十五-1) | 省基金英才 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 重点项目 | ||
16 | ZR2014HM011 | 省基金英才 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 胡 漫 | 面上项目 | ||
17 | ZR2014HQ025 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 青年基金 | |||
18 | ZR2014HP041 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2016.12 | 培养基金 | |||
19 | ZR2014HP044 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2016.12 | 孙雅文 | 培养基金 | ||
20 | ZR2014YL033 | 基于18F-FDG PET图像纹理分析的食管癌放化疗疗效预测模型及其生物学基础 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 孙晓蓉 | 联合专项 | |
21 | ZR2014YL034 | Coronin-3通过CDH11调控上皮间质转化影响鼻咽癌转移的研究 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 魏玉梅 | 联合专项 | |
22 | ZR2014YL032 | CIP2A参与食管癌放射敏感性的机制探索 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 曲 伟 | 联合专项 | |
23 | ZR2014YL029 | 表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯对宫颈癌细胞中病毒癌基因E6/E7抑制机制的研究 | 省基金 | 2014.12—2017.12 | 蒋 胜 | 联合专项 | |
24 | BS2014YY059 | 省博士基金 | 2014.12—2016.12 |
| |||
25 | 2014WS0058 | FLT PET/CT与功能性MR在骨髓抑制中的对比研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 付 正 |
| |
26 | 2014WS0059 | 肝癌循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)诊断试剂盒研发 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 张 波 |
| |
27 | 2014WS0060 | 治疗前FDG PET图像纹理分析预测局部晚期非小细胞肺癌同步放化疗疗效的临床研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 孙晓蓉 |
| |
28 | 2014WS0321 | miRNA预测晚期肺腺癌维持治疗疗效的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 无资项目 | ||
29 | 2014WS0322 | 抑癌基因PDCD4抑制自噬调控肺癌放疗敏感性作用及机制研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 宋兴国 | 无资项目 | |
30 | 2014WS0323 | 18F-FLT、18F-FDG PET在小细胞肺癌诊断、疗效判断及预后评估中的应用 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 无资项目 | ||
31 | 2014WS0324 | 前哨淋巴结活检指导宫颈癌术后放疗靶区勾画的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 无资项目 | ||
32 | 2014WS0325 | 影像与病理大切片对照研究建立乳腺癌保乳手术前影像学筛选和评估新模式 | 省卫生厅 | 2014.11—2016.12 | 无资项目 | ||
33 | 201401246 | 肝癌TACE后HMGB1对肝癌预后的影响及其作用机制的研究 | 市科技局 | 2014.01—2016.12 | 高校自主创新类 | ||
34 | 201401253 | 基于转移癌与其原发癌比较研究探讨HGF/c-Met信号通路在靶向抑制结直肠癌肝转移中的应用机制研究 | 市科技局 | 2014.01—2016.12 | 高校自主创新类 | ||
35 | 2014-02 | has-mir-125a-5p基因rs12975333位点单核苷酸多态性与三阴性乳腺癌相关性的研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 面上项目 | ||
36 | 2014-03 | 高场强类PET技术引导肺癌早期骨转移诊疗的临床研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 刘 波 | 面上项目 | |
37 | 2014-04 | c-Met调控上皮间质转化对结直肠癌细胞转移潜能的影响 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 面上项目 | ||
38 | 2014-05 | 非小细胞肺癌肺内淋巴结清扫的相关研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 面上项目 | ||
39 | 2014-10 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 面上项目 | |||
40 | 2014-13 | 党参提取物对阿霉素诱导心肌损伤的保护作用及机制研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 面上项目 | ||
41 | 2014-15 | 食管癌高发危险因素的空间双病例对照研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 崔永春 | 面上项目 | |
42 | 2014-24 | ASPP2与p53双基因联合促进结直肠癌细胞凋亡分子机制研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 柴 杰 | 面上项目 | |
43 | 2014-25 | 靶向乏氧应答基因LOX逆转非小细胞肺癌乏氧诱导化疗耐受的研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 魏 玲 | 面上项目 | |
44 | 2014-31 | 沙门氏菌介导的Lux生物发光信号对肿瘤乏氧区显像的实验研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 刘艳丽 | 面上项目 | |
45 | 2014-34 | 益气养阴法维持治疗非小细胞肺癌疗效相关的miRNAs筛选 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 田 静 | 面上项目 | |
46 | 2014-38 | 促微管聚合蛋白TPPP3在肺癌发生中的作用及其分子机制研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 青年基金 | ||
47 | 2014-42 | Ibrutinib逆转肿瘤多药耐药的作用和机制以及靶向肿瘤干细胞的研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 张 慧 | 青年基金 | |
48 | 2014-45 | 抑癌基因ECRG4在非小细胞肺癌发生中的作用及其机制研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 青年基金 | ||
49 | 2014-49 | 肺癌术后PCT指导与标准指南抗菌药物使用的效果比较 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 青年基金 | ||
50 | 2014-50 | CAFs细胞通过IL-6/STAT3通路诱导卵巢癌细胞的间充质-上皮性转化及其机制研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 陈 亮 | 青年基金 | |
51 | 2014-51 | 含促吞噬肽Tuftsin兼有EGFR靶向功能的融合蛋白抗肺癌作用及机制研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 刘文娟 | 青年基金 | |
52 | 2014-60 | FBW7缺陷在晚期非小细胞肺癌紫杉醇耐药中的作用及机制 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 李 艳 | 青年基金 | |
53 | 2014-62 | 论年轻乳腺癌患者乳房缺失后的病耻感及影响因素的研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 孔荣华 | 青年基金 | |
54 | 2014-64 | 氟尿嘧啶个体化给药有效治疗范围的探讨 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 时 静 | 青年基金 | |
55 | 2014-65 | 免疫抑制下侵袭性白色念珠菌肠源性感染机制研究 | 医科院 | 2014.12-2016.12 | 赵相旺 | 青年基金 |
序号 | 批准单位 | 项目名称 | 负责人 | 等次 |
1 | 山东省人民政府 | 基因多态与肿瘤易感性和化疗敏感性的相关分析及临床应用 | 山东省科技进步奖三等奖 | |
2 | 山东省医学会 | 乏氧影像FETNIM PET/CT定量测量在恶性肿瘤放疗中的价值 | 胡 漫 | 山东医学科技奖三等奖 |
3 | 山东省医学会 | 图像引导保乳术后精确放疗临床应用研究 | 山东医学科技奖三等奖 | |
4 | 山东省医学会 | 类Smac小分子对胰腺癌细胞的耐药性研究 | 罗红敏 | 山东医学科技奖三等奖 |
5 | 山东省医学会 | 基因多态性与肿瘤易感性、化疗敏感性及预后的相关性研究 | 山东医学科技奖三等奖 | |
6 | 山东省保健科技协会 | 我国乡镇卫生院药物存储和配置现状调查及对策研究 | 刘玉国 | 山东省保健科技协会科学技术奖二等奖 |
7 | 山东省医学科学院 | FLT和FDG PET/CT对食管鳞癌靶区确定及手术治疗预后的对比研究 | 医科院科学技术成果奖一等奖 | |
8 | 山东省医学科学院 | 建立基于胃癌原发组织和转移淋巴结比较研究的胃癌预后基因模型 | 张 毅 | 医科院科学技术成果奖一等奖 |
9 | 山东省医学科学院 | has-mir-125a-5p等乳腺癌易感基因与山东汉族女性乳腺癌相关性的研究 | 医科院科学技术成果奖二等奖 | |
10 | 山东省医学科学院 | HMGB1参与调控胃癌细胞凋亡及转移机制的研究 | 医科院科学技术成果奖二等奖 | |
11 | 山东省医学科学院 | Osteopontin基因沉默抑制乳腺癌转移的研究 | 医科院科学技术成果奖三等奖 | |
12 | 山东省医学科学院 | Becker型肌营养不良致病突变基因检测及脐间充质干细胞干预的临床研究 | 崔 凯 | 医科院科学技术成果奖三等奖 |
序号 | 科 室 | 作 者 | 论文题目 | 杂志名称 (时间、卷期、页码) | 影响 因子 | |
1 | 放四病区 | 于金明5T/5 师小茸1/5 | PET/CT imaging-guided dose paint in radiation therapy | Cancer Letter 2014,355(2):169-175 | 5.016 | |
2 | 放一病区 | 于金明9T/9 岳金波1/9 | Histopathologic validation of 3'-deoxy-3'-18F-fluorothymidine PET for detecting tumor repopulation during fractionated radiotherapy of human FaDu squamous cell carcinoma in nude mice | Radiother Oncol 2014,111(3):475-481 | 4.857 | |
3 | 特一病区 | 于金明8T/8 朱 慧1/8 | Prophylactic cranial irradiation improved the overall survival of patients with surgically resected small cell lung cancer,but not for stage I disease | Lung Cancer 2014,86:334-338 | 3.737 | |
4 | 放十病区 | 于金明10T/10 孟祥姣1/10 | Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 ex-x-pression in locally advanced rectal cancer: Association with response to neoadjuvant therapy and prognosis | Cancer Sci 2014,105(7):818-824 | 3.534 | |
5 | 妇科病区 | 于金明10T/10 盛修贵9T/10 张 露1/10 | The Association of HMGB1 ex-x-pression with Clinicopathological Significance and Prognosis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A me-x-ta-Analysis and Literature Review | Plos one 2014,9(10):e110626 | 3.534 | |
6 | 特一病区 | 于金明9T/9 张 燕1/9 | Value of 18F-FDG PET-CT in surveillance of colorectal cancer patients with various carcinoembryonic antigen concentrations | World J Gastroenterol 2014, 20(21): 6608-6614 | 2.433 | |
7 | 特一病区 | 于金明8T/8 赵 芬1/8 | Prognostic value of 3′-Deoxy-3-18F-Fluorothymidine ([18F] FLT PET) in patients with recurrent malignant gliomas | Nuclear Medicine and Biology 2014,41:710-715 | 2.408 | |
8 | 特一病区 | 于金明8T/8 朱 慧1/8 | Risk factors for brain me-x-tastases in completely resected small cell lung cancer: a retrospective study to identify patients most likely to benefit from prophylactic cranial irradiation | Radiation Oncology 2014, 9(1):216 | 2.36 | |
9 | 特一病区 | 于金明11T/11 张晓丽 1/11 | Involved-field irradiation in definitive chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma | Radiation Oncology 2014, 9:64 | 2.36 | |
10 | 放十病区 | The prognostic role of EZH2 ex-x-pression in rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy | Radiat Oncol 2014,9(1):188 | 2.36 | ||
11 | 放二病区 | 于金明8T/8 付 雷1/8 | Circulating Tumor Cells Correlate with Recurrence in Stage III Small-cell Lung Cancer after Systemic Chemoradiotherapy and Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation | Jpn J Clin Oncol 2014,44(10):948-955 | 1.747 | |
12 | 特一病区 | 于金明5/11 | Comparing CT perfusion with oxygen partial pressure in a rabbit VX2 soft-tissue tumor model | Journal of Radiation Research 2014,55(1):183-190 | 1.691 | |
13 | 特一病区 | 于金明6T/6 | ERCC1 ex-x-pression and tumor regression predict survival in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients receiving combined trimodality therapy | Pathology Research and Practice 2014,210(10): 656-661 | 1.562 | |
14 | 放十病区 | 于金明4T/4 孟祥姣1/4 | Prediction of response to preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer | Biosci Trends 2014,8(1):11-23 | 1.213 | |
15 | 放十病区 | 于金明2T/2 刘 静1/2 | Progress of radiation oncology: known and unknown | Chinese Medical Journal 2014,127(11):2173-2179 | 1.016 | |
16 | 放四病区 | 于金明4T/4 杨 佳1/4 | Repopulation of tumor cells during fractionated radiotherapy and detection methods | Oncology Letters 2014, 7:1755-1760 | 0.987 | |
17 | 放四病区 | 于金明5T/5 高振华1/5 | Prognostic significance of epidermal growth factor receptor in locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma for patients receiving chemoradiotherapy | Oncology Letters 2014,7:1118-1122 | 0.987 | |
18 | 放四病区 | 于金明2T/6 闫 丽1/6 | Correlation of CD146 ex-x-pression and clinicopathological characteristics in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma | Oncology Letters 2014,8(2):859-863 | 0.987 | |
19 | 特一病区 | 于金明T6/6 | Systematic Analysis of Gene ex-x-pression and Molecular Interactions in Cardiac and non-cardiac Gastric Carcinomas | Hepato-Gastroenterology 2014,61(134):1835-1842 | 0.907 | |
20 | 于院长 博士 | 陆寓非1/7 | Esophageal/Gastric Cancer Screening in High-risk Populations in Henan Province, | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014,15(3): 1419-1422 | 1.5 | |
21 | 特一病区 | 于金明4T/4 滕菲菲1/4 | Reversion of erlotinib-acquired resistance twice by chemotherapy: A case report | Cancer Biology & Therapy 2014,15(2):172-177 | 3.63 | |
22 | 妇四病区 | 盛修贵3T/5 尹月菊1/5 | Distribution Pattern of Circumflex Iliac Node Distal to the External Iliac Node me-x-tastasis in Stage IA to IIA Cervical Carcinoma | International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2014, 24(5): 935-940 | 1.949 | |
23 | 妇三病区 | 盛修贵2T/10 孙 丽1/10 | Surgical morbidity and oncologic results after concurrent chemoradiation therapy for advanced cervical cancer | International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2014,125:111–115 | 1.563 | |
24 | 妇三病区 | 盛修贵3T/3 | Genetic alterations following ionizing radiation in human ovarian cancer‑derived endothelial cells | Mol Med Reports 2014,9(6):2257-2264 | 1.484 | |
25 | 妇三病区 | 盛修贵3T/3 | Gene ex-x-pression changes after ionizing radiation in endothelial cells derived from human endometrial cancer-preliminary outcomes | Arch Gynecol Obstet 2014,289(6):1315-1323 | 1.279 | |
26 | 妇四病区 | 盛修贵4T/4 | Toll‑like receptor 4 single‑nucleotide polymorphisms Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile in ovarian cancers | Oncology Letters 2014,8:438-440 | 0.987 | |
27 | 妇四病区 | 盛修贵8T/8 | TLR4 induces tumor growth and inhibits paclitaxel activity in MyD88‑positive human ovarian carcinoma in vitro | Oncology Letters 2014,7:871-877 | 0.987 | |
28 | 放六病区 | 李宝生8T/8 黄 伟1/8 | Value of me-x-tabolic Tumor Volume on Repeated 18F-FDG PET/CT for Early Prediction of Survival in Locally Advanced Non -Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy | The journal of nuclear medicine 2014,55(10):1584-1590 | 5.563 | |
29 | 放六病区 | 李宝生2T/10 张 健1/10 | Genetic variants in inducible nitric oxide synthase gene are associated with the risk of radiation-induced lung injury in lung cancer patients receiving definitive thoracic radiation. | Radiother Oncol 2014,111(2):194-198 | 4.857 | |
30 | 放六病区 | 李宝生7T/7 黄 伟1/7 | Risk factors for hepatitis B virus reactivation after conformal radiotherapy in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma | Cancer science 2014,105(6):697-703 | 3.534 | |
31 | 放六病区 | 李宝生3T/3 秦 琴1/3 | Multiple functions of hypoxia-regulated miR-210 in cancer | Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 2014,33(1):50 | 3.271 | |
32 | 放六病区 | 李宝生6T/6 付成瑞1/6 | The ex-x-pression of miR-21 and miR-375 predict prognosis of esophageal cancer. | Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2014,446(4):1197-1203 | 2.281 | |
33 | 放六病区 | 李宝生2T/10 付成瑞1/10 | Phase II study of concurrent selective lymph node late course accelerated hyper-fractionated radiotherapy and pemetrexed and cisplatin for locally advanced oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma. | Br J Radiol 2014,87(1037) | 1.533 | |
34 | 放六病区 | 李宝生9T/10 (并列通讯) 张自成1/10 (第二单位) | Risk factors of radiation-induced acute esophagitis in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy | Radiat Oncol. 2014,15(9): 54 | 2.36 | |
35 | 放六病区 | 李宝生8T/8 韩 丹1/8 | Feasibility and efficacy of simultaneous integrated boost intensity-modulated radiation therapy in patients with limited-disease small cell lung cancer | Radiation oncology 2014,9:280 | 2.36 | |
36 | 放六病区 | 李宝生9T/9 魏玉梅1/9 | Long-Term Outcome of Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients: Comparison Between Treatment with Radiotherapy Alone and Chemoradiotherapy | Cell Biochem Biophys 2014,69(3):433-437 | 2.38 | |
37 | 放六病区 | 李宝生4T/9 孔玲玲1/9 | Efficacy and safety of accelerated partial breast irradiation after breast-conserving surgery: a me-x-ta-analysis of published comparative studies | The Breast Journal 2014,20(2):116–124 | 1.433 | |
38 | 放六病区 | 李宝生4T/11 王志武1/11 | Pathological analysis of extracapsular extension of me-x-tastatic lymph node and its potential impact on nodal clinical target volume in the radiotherapy of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma | Neoplasma 2014,61(3):324-330 | 1.642 | |
39 | 放六病区 | 李宝生7T/7 王志武1/7 | Postoperative chemoradiotherapy improves survival in esophageal squamous cell cancer with extracapsular lymph node extension | Neoplasm 2014,61(6):732-738. | 1.642 | |
40 | 放六病区 | 李宝生6T/6 刘成新1/6 | The error estimate for contouring the brainstem in radiotherapy of head and neck cancer: A multi-center study from north | Journal of Buon 2014,19(2): 484-489 | 0.706 | |
41 | 放六病区 | 李宝生5T/6 尹 勇6T/6 刘成新1/6 | Error in the parotid contour delineated using computed tomography images rather than magnetic resonance images during radiotherapy planning for nasopharyngeal carcinoma | Japanese Journal of Radiology 2014,32(4):211-216 | 0.742 | |
42 | 放六病区 | 李宝生9T/10 (并列通讯) | miR-511 induces the apoptosis of radioresistant lung adenocarcinoma cells by triggering BAX | Oncol Rep 2014,31(3):1473-1479 | 2.191 | |
43 | 放六病区 | 李宝生13T/13 | Clinical significance of serum soluble death receptor 5 concentration in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients | Oncology Letters 2014,8(3): 1333-1339 | 0.987 | |
44 | 内三病区 | 王哲海2T/14 李敏敏1/14 | Clinical significance of UGT1A1 gene polymorphisms on irinotecan based regimens as the treatment in me-x-tastatic colorectal cancer. | OncoTargets an Therapy 2014:7 1653-1661 | 1.342 | |
45 | 内三病区 | 王哲海2T/13 房 姝1/13 | Correlation between EGFR mutation status and response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer | OncoTargets and Therapy 2014,7:1185-1193 | 1.342 | |
46 | 内三病区 | 王哲海4T/4 石 焕1/4 | Chimeric antigen receptor for adoptive immunotherapy of cancer: latest research and future prospects | Molecular Cancer 2014,13:219 | 5.397 | |
47 | 内三病区 | 王哲海2T/2 房 姝1/2 | EGFR mutations as a prognostic and predictive marker in non-small-cell lung cancer | Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2014:8 1595–1611 | 3.026 | |
48 | 内三病区 | 王哲海6T/6 周海燕1/6 | Cutaneous me-x-tastasis from pancreatic cancer: A case report and systematic review of the literature | Oncology Letters 2014,8: 2654-2660 | 0.987 | |
49 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让6T/6 (并列通讯) | Application of ZnO quantum dots dotted carbon nanotube for sensitive electrochemiluminescence immunoassay based on simply electrochemical reduced Pt/Au alloy and a disposable device | Analytica Chimica Acta 2014, 818: 46-53 | 4.517 | |
50 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让7T/7 (并列通讯) | Paper-based colorimetric immunosensor for visual detection of carcinoembryonic antigen based on the high peroxidase-like catalytic performance of ZnFe2O4–multiwalled carbon nanotubes | Analyst 2014, 139: 251-258 | 3.906 | |
51 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让7T/7 魏 玲1/7 | Knockdown of cancerous inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A may sensitize NSCLC cells to cisplatin | Cancer Gene Therapy 2014, 21(5):194-199 | 2.553 | |
52 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让6T/6 (并列通讯) | Au-Pt nanoparticle-based electrochemiluminescence immunoassay of a cancer biomarker using ZnO nanospheres coated with CdTe quantum dots as labels | Monatshefte Fur Chemie 2014,145(1):121-127 | 1.347 | |
53 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让7/7 | Using "dioscorea batatas bean"-like silver nanoparticles based localized surface plasmon resonance to enhance the fluorescent signal of zinc oxide quantum dots in a DNA sensor | Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014,61:344-350 | 6.451 | |
54 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让6/6 | A dual amplification strategy for ultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence immunoassay based on a Pt nanoparticles dotted graphene-carbon nanotubes composite and carbon dots functionalized mesoporous Pt/Fe | Analyst 2014,139(7): 1713-1720 | 3.906 | |
55 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让5/6 | Colorimetric assay of K-562 cells based on folic acid-conjugated porous bime-x-tallic Pd@Au nanoparticles for point-of-care testing | Chemical Communications 2014,50(4):475-477 | 6.718 | |
56 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让7/7 | Sensitive origami dual-analyte electrochemical immunodevice based on polyaniline/Au-paper electrode and multi-labeled 3D graphene sheets | Electrochimica Acta 2014,120: 102-109 | 4.086 | |
57 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让5/8 | Growth of gold-manganese oxide nanostructures on a 3D origami device for glucose-oxidase label based electrochemical immunosensor | Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014,61: 76-82 | 6.451 | |
58 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让4/7 | Multiplex electrochemical origami immunodevice based on cuboid silver-paper electrode and me-x-tal ions tagged nanoporous silver-chitosan | Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014,56:167-173 | 6.451 | |
59 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让6/8 | Electrochemiluminescence of peroxydisulfate using flower-like Ag@Au-paper electrode and Pd@Au-assisted multiple enzymatic labels | Electrochimica Acta 2014,141: 391-397 | 4.086 | |
60 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让5/5 | Electrochemical device based on a Pt nanosphere-paper working electrode for in situ and real-time determination of the flux of H2O2 releasing from SK-BR-3 cancer cells | Chemical Communications 2014,50(71):10315-10318 | 6.718 | |
61 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让6/6 | Application of ZnO/graphene and S6 aptamers for sensitive photoelectrochemical detection of SK-BR-3 breast cancer cells based on a disposable indium tin oxide device | Biosensors & Bioelectronics 2014,51:413-420 | 6.451 | |
62 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让8/8 | Electrochemiluminescence immunoassay using a paper electrode incorporating porous silver and modified with mesoporous silica nanoparticles functionalized with blue-luminescent carbon dots | Microchimica Acta 2014,181(11-12):1415-1422 | 3.719 | |
63 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让4/7 | Sandwich-type electrochemiluminescence immunosensor based on poly(acrylic acid) coated Fe3O4 composite for human chorionic gonadotrophin detection using quantum dots functionalized CNTs as labels | Monatshefte Fur Chemie 2014,145(1):147-154 | 1.347 | |
64 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让7/7 | Application of SnO2 nanocrystal as novel electrochemiluminescence signal reporter for sensitive immunoassay with nanoporous PtRu alloy enhancement | Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2014,195: 423-430 | 3.84 | |
65 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让8/8 | An ultrasensitive quenched electrochemiluminescent immunoassay based on the peroxidase-like activity of ZnFe2O4@Au nanoparticles | Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2014,201: 196-203 | 3.84 | |
66 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让7/7 | Gold-silver nanocomposite-functionalized graphene based electrochemiluminescence immunosensor using grapheme quantum dots coated porous PtPd nanochains as labels | Electrochimica Acta 2014,123: 470-476 | 4.086 | |
67 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让7/8 | Flexible paper-based ZnO nanorod light-emitting diodes induced multiplexed photoelectrochemical immunoassay | Chemical Communications 2014,50(12):1417-1419 | 6.718 | |
68 | 放一病区 | 王仁本2T/7 闫洪江1/7 | NSE can predict the sensitivity to definitive chemoradiotherapy of small carcinoma of esophagus | Med Oncol 2014,31:796 | 2.058 | |
69 | 放一病区 | 王仁本2T/11 陈 冬1/11 | A comparison of liver protection among 3-D conformal radiotherapy, intensity-modulated radiotherapy and RapidArc for hepatocellular carcinoma | Radiat Oncol. 2014,9:48 | 2.36 | |
70 | 放一病区 | 王仁本3T/8 朱昆莉1/8 | Mutations of KRAS and PIK3CA as independent predictors of distant me-x-tastases in colorectal cancer | Med Oncol 2014,31(7):16 | 2.058 | |
71 | 放一病区 | 王仁本2T/10 窦 雪1/10 | PDCD4 as a predictor of sensitivity to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer patients | Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014,5(2):825-830 | 1.5 | |
72 | 放一病区 | 王仁本2T/10陈 冬1/10 | Prognostic value of serum γ‑glutamyl transferase in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with transcatheter arterial chemoembolization combined with conformal radiotherapy | Oncology Letters 2014, 8(5): 2298-2304. | 0.987 | |
73 | 放二病区 | 于甬华5T/5 | Decreased ex-x-pression of GRIM-19 and its association with high-risk HPV infection in cervical squamous intraepithelial neoplasias and cancer | Clin Invest Med 2014,37 (2):77-84. | 0.971 | |
74 | 放三病区 | 李建彬2T/8 丁 昀1/8 | A Comparative study on the volume and localization of the internal gross target volume defined using the seroma and surgical clips based on 4DCT scan for external-beam partial breast irradiation after breast conserving surgery | Radiation Oncology 2014, 9 :76 | 2.36 | |
75 | 放三病区 | 李建彬2T/8 郭延娈1/8 | Geometrical differences in target volumes based on 18F-FDG PET-CT and 4DCT-MIP images of primary thoracic esophageal cancer | Diseases of the Esophagus 2014,27(8):744-750 | 2.057 | |
76 | 放三病区 | 李建彬2T/8 段益利1/8 | Comparison of primary target volumes delineated on four-dimensional CT and18F-FDG PET/CT of non-small-cell lung cancer. | Radiation Oncology 2014,9:182 | 2.36 | |
77 | 放三病区 | 李建彬2T/8 王 玮1/8 | Comparison of patient-specific internal gross tumor volume for radiation treatment of primary esophageal cancer based separately on three-dimensional and four-dimensional computed tomography images | Diseases of the esophagus 2014,27:348-354 | 2.057 | |
78 | 放四病区 | 孟 雪4T/4 张竟泽1/4 | Eepidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors in the treatment of central nerve system me-x-tastases from non-small cell lung cancer | Cancer Letter 2014,351(1):6-12 | 5.016 | |
79 | 放四病区 | 孟 雪1/7 (第二单位) | Changes in functional lung regions during the course of radiation therapy and their potential impact on lung dosimetry for non-small cell lung cancer | International journal of radiation oncology biology physics 2014,89(1):145-151 | 4.176 | |
80 | 放八病区 | 袁双虎10T/10刘 宁1/10 | Radioactive Self-Expanding Stents Give Superior Palliation in Patients with Unresectable Cancer of the Esophagus but Should be Used with Caution if They have Had Prior Radiotherapy | Ann Thorac Surg 2014,98(2):521-526 | 3.631 | |
81 | 放八病区 | 袁双虎1/10 (第二单位) | Timing and Intensity of Changes in FDG Uptake with Symptomatic Esophagitis During Radiotherapy or Chemo-Radiotherapy | 2014,9(1):37 | 2.36 | |
82 | 放九病区 | 郝俊芳10T/10 苏艳霞1/10 | Factors influencing the incidence of sinusitis in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients after intensity-modulated radiation therapy | Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2014,271:3195-3201 | 1.608 | |
83 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚8T/8 赵汉玺1/8 | A phase I study of concurrent chemotherapy and thoracic radiotherapy with oral epigallocatechin-3-gallate protection in patients with locally advanced stage III non-small-cell lung cancer | Radiotherapy and Oncology 2014,110(1):132-136 | 4.857 | |
84 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚1/11 (与外院并列) | Definitive chemoradiotherapy with capecitabine and cisplatin for elder patients with locally advanced squamous cell esophageal cancer | J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2014,140(5):867-872 | 3.009 | |
85 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚7T/7 孙晓蓉1/7 | Inferior glucose me-x-tabolism and chemosensitivity of post-radiotherapy local recurrence in comparison with distant me-x-tastases as assessed by sequential 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging | Ann Nucl Med 2014,28(7):610-616 | 1.507 | |
86 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚2T/6 | Hypoxia-targeted triple suicide gene therapy radiosensitizes human colorectal cancer cells | Oncology reports. 2014,32:723-929 | 2.191 | |
87 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚5T/5 孙晓蓉1/5 | Hepatoid adenocarcinoma of the stomach: dual-time-point 18F-FDG PET/CT findings | Jpn J Radiol 2014,32:721–724 | 0.742 | |
88 | 放十病区 | 孟祥姣2/8 | MR imaging in hepatocellular carcinoma: correlations between MRI features and molecular marker VEGF | Med Oncol 2014,31(12):313 | 2.058 | |
89 | 外一病区 | 左文述3T/8 葛文凯1/8 | Sentinel lymph node biopsy does not apply to all axillary lymph node-positive breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy | Thoracic Cancer 2014,5:550–555 | 1.126 | |
90 | 外三病区 | Internal Mammary Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: Minimally Invasive Staging and Tailored Internal Mammary Radiotherapy | Ann Surg Oncol 2014,21(7):2119-2121 | 3.943 | ||
91 | 外三病区 | 王永胜1T/10 | GeneSearch™ BLN Assay could replace frozen section and touch imprint cytology for intra-operative assessment of breast sentinel lymph nodes. | Breast Cancer 2014,21(5):583-589 | 1.505 | |
92 | 外四病区 | 孙燕来3T/7 徐慧荣1/7 | Robotic versus laparoscopic right colectomny:a me-x-ta-analysis | World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2014,12:274 | 1.2 | |
93 | 外四病区 | 宋希林10T/10张 毅1/10 | Effect of BRMS1 on tumorigenicity and me-x-tastasis of humanrectalcancer | Cell Biochem Biophys 2014,70(1):505-509 | 2.38 | |
94 | 外四病区 | 周 涛10T/10张 毅1/10 | Icariin Enhances Radiosensitivity of Colorectal Cancer Cells by Suppressing NF-kappa B Activity | Cell Biochem Biophys 2014,69(2):303-310 | 2.38 | |
95 | 外四病区 | 柴 杰4/8 | Overex-x-pression of nuclear beta-catenin at invasive front in rectal carcinoma is associated with lymph node me-x-tastasis and poor prognosis | Clinical & Translational Oncology 2014,16(5): 488-494 | 1.6 | |
96 | 外五病区 | 赵东波1/7 (与外院并列第一) | Identification of a Novel Protein Complex Containing ASIC1a and GABAA Receptors and Their Interregulation | Plos one 2014,9(6):99735 | 3.534 | |
97 | 外五病区 | 滑 峰6T/6 | Effect of Amifostine in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy: A Systematic Review and me-x-ta-Analysis Based on Randomized Controlled Trials | Plos one 2014,9(5):e95968 | 3.534 | |
98 | 外五病区 | 滑 峰2/6 (并列第一第二单位) | HapMap-based study on the association between MPO and GSTP1 gene polymorphisms and lung cancer susceptibility in Chinese Han population | Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2014,35: 636–644 | 2.496 | |
99 | 外五病区 | 滑 峰1/6 (与外院并列第一) | A me-x-ta-Analysis of the Relationship Between RARb Gene Promoter Methylation and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer | Plos one 2014,9(5):96163 | 3.534 | |
100 | 外五病区 | 刘曙光T1/5 | The programmed cell death 6 interacting protein insertion/deletion polymorphism is associated with non-small cell lung cancer risk in a Chinese Han population | Tumor Biol 2014,35:8679–8683 | 2.84 | |
101 | 外六病区 | 李 辉1T/7 | Abnormal ex-x-pression of FLOT1 correlates with tumor progression and poor survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer | Tumor Biol 2014,35(4):3311-3315 | 2.84 | |
102 | 外六病区 | 李 辉3/9 | USF-1 inhibition protects against oxygen-and-glucose-deprivation-induced apoptosis via the downregulation of miR-132 in HepG2 cells | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2014,446(4):1053-1059 | 2.281 | |
103 | 外七病区 | 石学涛T3/3 | MicroRNA-320 inhibits osteosarcoma cells proliferation by directly targeting fatty acid synthase | Tumor Biology 2014,35(5): 4177-4183 | 2.84 | |
104 | 外八病区 | 孙 旭1/8 | Ileal interposition reduces blood glucose levels and decreases insulin resistance in a type 2 diabetes mellitus animal model by up-regulating glucagon-like peptide-1 and its receptor | Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2014,7(7):4136-4142 | 1.783 | |
105 | 外八病区 | 刘 凯1/8 (第二单位) | Knockdown of BAMBI inhibits β-catenin and transforming growth factor β to suppress me-x-tastasis of gastric cancer cells | Molecular medicine reports 2014,10: 874-880 | 1.484 | |
106 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙6T/9 卜文哲1/9 | Association between carcinoembryonic antigen levels and the applied value of 18F‑fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography in post‑operative recurrent and me-x-tastatic colorectal cancer | Oncology Letters 2014,8: 2649-2653. | 0.987 | |
107 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙5T/5 邵文博1/5 | Transarterial chemoembolization combined with sorafenib for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma | Oncology Letters 2014,8(5): 2263-2266. | 0.987 | |
108 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙5T/5 丛 宁1/5 | Association between Glutathione S-Transferase T1, M1, and P1 Genotypes and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer | J Korean Med Sci 2014,29:1488-1492 | 1.253 | |
109 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙6T/6 丛 宁1/6 | miR-146a G>C polymorphisms and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in a Chinese population | Tumor Biol 2014,35:5669–5673 | 2.84 | |
110 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙6T/7 陈 华1/7 | Hepatocellular carcinoma me-x-tastasis to the lacrimal gland: A case report | Oncology Letters 2014,8:911-913 | 0.987 | |
111 | 外十病区 | 谢印法8T/8 刘吉兵2/8 (并列第一 通讯) | Association of Serum MicroRNA ex-x-pression in Hepatocellular Carcinomas Treated with Transarterial Chemoembolization and Patient Survival | Plos one 2014,9(10):e109347 | 3.534 | |
112 | 外十病区 | 李 胜6T/8 韩建军1/8 | Induction of Apoptosis by IGFBP3 Overex-x-pression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells | Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014, 15 (23), 10085-10089 | 1.5 | |
113 | 外十二病区 | 李 胜9T/10 (并列通讯) 邹本奎1/10 (第二单位) | Neoadjuvant therapy combined with a BMP regimen for treating penile cancer patients with lymph node me-x-tastasis:a retrospective study in | 2014 ,140(10):1733-1738 | 3.009 | |
114 | 外十三病区 | 王 勇1T /4 | Hand-Schuller-Christain disease associated with symptomatic cavum septi pellucidi cyst in an adult with a 10-year follow-up. | World Neurosurgery 2014,82(1-2):396-398 | 2.417 | |
115 | 外十三病区 | 朱玉方6/9 | A Variant in the Endoglin Gene is Associated with the Development of Sporadic Intracranial Aneurysms | Current Neurovascular Research 2014,11(4): 294-301 | 2.735 | |
116 | 外十三病区 | 朱玉方9/12 | Association of Kallikrein gene polymorphisms with sporadic intracranial aneurysms in the Chinese population Laboratory investigation | Journal of Neurosurgery 2014,120(6):1397-1401 | 3.227 | |
117 | 内一病区 | 张 述1T/5 | A Lower Haemoglobin Level Predicts aWorse Survival of Patients with Advanced Gastric Cancer | Clinical Oncology 2014,26(4):239-240 | 2.826 | |
118 | 内一病区 | 李慧慧2/10 (并列第一) | Enriched CD44+/CD24− population drives the aggressive phenotypes presented in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) | Cancer Letters 2014,353:153–159 | 5.016 | |
119 | 内二病区 | 郭其森7T/7 王丽杰1/7 | Optimal Timing of Radiotherapy with Alternating/Sequential Radio-Chemotherapy for Limited-stage Small Cell Lung Cancer | Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2014,15 (14):5697-5699 | 1.5 | |
120 | 内二病区 | 郭其森2T/9 禚银铃1/9 | Correlation study and significance of the EGFR ex-x-pression in serum, lymph nodes and tumor tissue of NSCLC | Thoracic cancer 2014,5:31-37. | 1.126 | |
121 | 内二病区 | 李艳2/8 (共同第一) | Amplification of Mdmx and overex-x-pression of MDM2 contribute to mammary carcinogenesis by substituting for p53 mutations | Diagnostic Pathology 2014,9:71 | 2.411 | |
122 | 内三病区 | 刘 杰5T/5 谢 超1/5 | miRNA-124 down-regulates SOX8 ex-x-pression and suppresses cell proliferation in non-small cell lung cancer | Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2014,7(10):6534-6542 | 1.783 | |
123 | 内三病区 | 刘 杰10T/10 王伏霞1/10 | TERTrs2736100T/G polymorphism upregulates interleukin 6ex-x-pression in non-small cell lung cancer especially in adenocarcinoma | Tumor Biol 2014,35(5):4667-4672 | 2.84 | |
124 | 内四病区 | 齐洁琳6T/6 时圣彬1/6 | Efficacy of Erlotinib Plus Dendritic Cells and Cytokine-induced Killer Cells in Maintenance Therapy of Advanced Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer | J Immunother 2014,37: 250–255 | 3.354 | |
125 | 内四病区 | 齐洁琳3T/7 时圣彬2/7 (并列第一) | Pemetrexed plus dendritic cells as second-line treatment for patients with stage IIIB/IV non-small cell lung cancer who had treatment with TKI | Med Oncol 2014,31(8):63-67 | 2.058 | |
126 | 内六病区 | 柳善刚1/6 | MR Imaging-Guided Percutaneous Cryotherapy for Lung Tumors: Initial Experience | Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology. 2014,25(9):1456-1462 | 2.149 | |
127 | 内七病区 | 刘 波1/5 | Overepressed FOXC2 in ovarian cancer enhances the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and invasion of ovaran cancer cells | Oncology reports 2014,31: 2545-2554 | 2.191 | |
128 | 内七病区 | 刘 波1/5 | Cervical Cancer Gene Therapy by Gene Loaded PEG-PLA Nanomedicine | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014,15(12):4915-4918 | 1.5 | |
129 | 内七病区 | 韩淑梅3/4 | MicroRNA-9 ex-x-pression is a prognostic biomarker in patients with osteosarcoma | World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2014,12:195 | 1.2 | |
130 | 内七病区 | 韩淑梅3/4 | ZIP1 and Zinc Inhibits Fluoride-Induced Apoptosis in MC3T3-E1 Cells | Biological Trace Element Research 2014,159(1-3): 399-409 | 1.608 | |
131 | 内八病区 | 肖 军9T/9 周海燕1/9 | Primary bone lymphoma: A case report and review of the literature | Oncology Letters 2014,8(4):1551-1556 | 0.987 | |
132 | 内九病区 | 石 焕2/6 (并列第一) | Construction and evaluation of a novel humanized HER2-specific chimeric receptor | Breast Cancer Research 2014, 16(3):61 | 5.881 | |
133 | 妇一病区 | 韩晓运2/8 (并列第一) | MicroRNA-218 Enhances the Radiosensitivity of Human Cervical Cancer via Promoting Radiation Induced Apoptosis | Int J Med Sci 2014,11(7): 691-696 | 1.552 | |
134 | 妇三病区 | 孙 丽3/9 | A preliminary study on the construction of double suicide gene delivery vectors by mesenchymal stem cells and the in vitro inhibitory effects on SKOV3 cells | Oncol Rep 2014, 31: 781-787 | 2.191 | |
135 | 妇三病区 | 韩晓运4/8 | Simvastatin, an HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, exhibits anti-me-x-tastatic and anti-tumorigenic effects in endometrial cancer | Gynecologic Oncology 2014,134(2):346-355 | 3.687 | |
136 | 基础实验室 | 谢 丽1/8 (第二单位) | The immunomodulator AS101 suppresses production of inflammatory cytokines and ameliorates the pathogenesis of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis | Journal of Neuroimmunology 2014, 273: 31–41 | 2.786 | |
137 | 基础实验室 | 刘文娟 1/6 (第二单位) | Tuftsin‑based, EGFR‑targeting fusion protein and its enediyne‑energized analog show high antitumor efficacy associated with CD47 down‑regulation | Cancer Immunol Immunother 2014, 63 (12): 1261-72 | 3.943 | |
138 | ICU | 郭志军2/3 (并列第一) | Comparison of epinephrine and Shen-Fu injection on resuscitation outcomes in a porcine model of prolonged cardiac arrest | Chin Med J 2014,127 (4):724-728 | 1.016 | |
139 | 邢怀新3/11 (并列第一) | Leukocyte Telomere Length-Related rs621559 and rs398652 Genetic Variants Influence Risk of HBV-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma | Plos one 2014,9(11):e110863 | 3.534 | ||
140 | 邢怀新5/10 张英杰6/10 | RUNX3 regulates vimentin ex-x-pression via miR-30a during epithelial- mesenchymal transition in gastric cancer cells | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2014,18(4): 610-623 | 3.698 | ||
141 | 徐 亮 1/4 | Accuracy of Diffusion-Weighted (DW) MRI With Background Signal Suppression (MR-DWIBS) in Diagnosis of Mediastinal Lymph Node me-x-tastasis of Nonsmall-Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) | Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2014,40(1):200-205 | 2.788 | ||
142 | 李文武8T/9 刘聿辉1/9 | 3.0T MR-CAD: Clinical Value in Diagnosis of Breast Tumor Compared with Conventional MRI | Journal of Cancer 2014, 5(7):585-589 | 2.639 | ||
143 | 刘立恒T4/4 (并列通讯) | Efficacy of Permanent Iodine-125 Seed Implants and Gemcitabine Chemotherapy in Patients with Platinum-Resistant Recurrent Ovarian Carcinoma | Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014,15(20): 9009-9013 | 1.5 | ||
144 | 黄 勇3/4 | Manifestations and pathological features of solitary thin-walled cavity lung cancer observed by CT and PET/CT imaging | Oncology Letters 2014,8(1): 285-290 | 0.987 | ||
145 | 胡旭东6T/6 李万湖1/6 | 11C-choline PET/CT tumor recurrence detection and survival prediction in post-treatment patients with high-grade gliomas | 2014,35(12):12353-60 | 2.84 | ||
146 | 周长春6T/7 (并列通讯) | The Functional TP53 rs1042522 and MDM4 rs4245739 Genetic Variants Contribute to Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Risk | Plos one 2014,9(9):e107047 | 3.534 | ||
147 | 李冬梅3/13 刘利胜4/13 周长春10/13 | Association of functional FEN1 genetic variants and haplotypes and breast cancer risk | Gene 2014,538(1): 42-45 | 2.082 | ||
148 | 周长春6/10 | Replication Study of ESCC Susceptibility Genetic Polymorphisms Locating in the ADH1B-ADH1C-ADH7 Cluster Identified by GWAS | Plos One 2014,9(4):e94096 | 3.534 | ||
149 | 物理室 | 尹 勇3T/4 马长升1/4 | Radiotherapy dose calculation on KV cone-beam CT image for lung tumor using the CIRS calibration | Thoracic Cancer 2014,5:68-73 | 1.126 | |
150 | 物理室 | 尹 勇 7T/7 马长升1/7 | A Study of the Anatomic Changes and Dosimetric Consequences in Adaptive CRT of Non-small-cell Lung Cancer Using Deformable CT and CBCT Image Registration | Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2014,13(2):95-100 | 1.886 | |
151 | 物理室 | 尹 勇7T/7 卢 洁1/7 | Assessment of anatomical and dosimetric changes by a deformable registration method during the course of intensity-modulated radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma | Journal of Radiation Research 2014,55(1):97-104 | 1.691 | |
152 | 物理室 | 尹 勇5T/6 王 惠1/6 | Performance Evaluations of demons and free form deformation algorithms for the liver region | Technol Cancer Res Treat 2014,13(2):101-108 | 1.886 | |
153 | 物理室 | 尹 勇3T/7 白 曈1/7 | How does four-dimensional computed tomography spare normal tissues in non-small cell lung cancer radiotherapy by defining internal target volume? | Thoracic Cancer 2014(5): 537-542 | 1.126 | |
154 | 物理室 | 尹 勇6/7 | Lung Tumor Delineation Based on Novel Tumor-Background Likelihood Models in PET-CT Images | Ieee Transactions on Nuclear Science 2014,61(1): 218-224 | 1.455 | |
155 | 物理室 | 尹 勇9T/9 徐 华1/9 | Feasibility and potential benefits of defining the internal gross tumor volume of hepatocellular carcinoma using contrast-enhanced 4D CT images obtained by deformable registration | Radiation Oncology 2014, 9(1):221 | 2.36 | |
156 | 物理室 | 尹 勇3T/3 尚东平1/3 | A comparison of the different 3D CT scanning modes on the GTV delineation for the solitary pulmonary lesion | Radiation Oncology 2014, 9(1):211 | 2.36 | |
157 | 刘玉国2/7 | Preparation antiangiogenic and antitumoral activities of the chemically sulfated glucan from phellinus ribis | Carbohydrate Polymers 2014,106:42-48 | 3.916 | ||
158 | 时 静1/9 (第二单位) | Hepatoprotective Coumarins and Sedcoiridoids from Hydrangea paniculata | Fitoterapia 2014,96:138-145 | 2.216 | ||
159 | 史文娜4/5 | A promising approach of overcoming the intrinsic resistance of Candida krusei to fluconazole (FLC)--combining tacrolimus with FLC | FEMS Yeast Research 2014,14(5):808-811 | 2.436 | ||
160 | 东院区 | 宋丽华2T/2 | Association between Vitamin D Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Breast Cancer Risk: A me-x-ta-Analysis of 39 Studies | Plos One 2014,9(4):e96125 | 3.534 |
序号 | 专利类型 | 专利名称 | 专利号 / 授权时间 | 发明人 |
1 | 发明专利 | 一种治疗白喉的中药丸 | ZL2013 1 0221302.7、2014年12月03日 | |
2 | 发明专利 | 一种用于放疗精确划线的记号笔 | ZL2012 1 0330180.0、2014年12月24日 | |
3 | 实用新型专利 | 一种多功能医疗护理用床 | ZL2014 2 0014954.3、2014年07月16日 | 马清华 付玉萍 李庆莉 李 焱 靳庆燕 王小玥 李小芳 李嘉宁 谷玉萍 朱庆芬 王福红 栾丽娟 郭 芳 |
4 | 实用新型专利 | 一种核医学肾功能检查专用椅 | ZL2013 2 0482498.0、2014年11月12日 | 方永存 张 鹏 陈鸣陆 |
5 | 实用新型专利 | 一种用于放疗精确划线的记号笔 | ZL2012 2 0455274.6、2013年02月13日 | 张桂芳 (2013年未登记专利补登) |