序号 | 项目编号 | 项目名称 | 来 源 | 起止时间 | 负责人 | 课题经费(万元) | 备注 | |
总经费 | 已拨 | |||||||
1 | 81530060 | 用于肺癌精确放疗的高分辨移动条带CT影像引导关键技术基础研究 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2020.12 | 273 | 163.8 | 重点项目 | |
2 | 81573246 | 基于代谢组学标记识别的高发区人群食管癌筛查模型研究 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2019.12 | 王家林 | 55 | 27.5 | 面上项目 |
3 | 81572970 | 治疗前FDG PET图像纹理分析预测局部晚期食管癌放化疗疗效的模型构建及生物学基础 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2019.12 | 57 | 28.5 | 面上项目 | |
4 | 81502668 | PPARγ参与调控放射性肺损伤中非血管重塑的机制研究 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 16.5 | 9.9 | 青年基金 | |
5 | 81502263 | TIPE1诱导卵巢癌细胞死亡的Bcl-2途径 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 19 | 11.4 | 青年基金 | |
6 | 81502698 | 癌细胞促生长激素神经肽作为乳腺癌转移性骨痛治疗靶点的实验研究 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 18 | 10.8 | 青年基金 | |
7 | 81502638 | Orail介导的钙振荡调控EGFR-TKIs敏感性的作用和机制 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 张 慧 | 18 | 10.8 | 青年基金 |
8 | 81502667 | Let-7a联合18F-FLT预测局部晚期非小细胞肺癌放疗加速再增殖 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 谢 鹏 | 18 | 10.8 | 青年基金 |
9 | 81502314 | SPECT/CT与三维造影成像构建乳腺癌内乳区淋巴结引流模型研究 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 18 | 10.8 | 青年基金 | |
10 | 81500096 | 重组人HLA-G蛋白纠正ITP患者异常细胞免疫功能机制的研究 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 马 骥 | 18 | 10.8 | 青年基金 |
11 | 81502691 | 新型融合蛋白Ec-LDM-TF通过初级巨噬细胞吞噬发挥抗肿瘤效应的机制研究 | 国家基金 | 2016.01—2018.12 | 刘文娟 | 18 | 10.8 | 青年基金 |
12 | 2015GSF118011 | 非小细胞肺癌调强放疗差异性靶区剂量规划研究 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 12 | 12 | ||
13 | 2015GSF118017 | 分子影像指导的食管鳞癌根治性放化疗后失败模式及挽救性治疗的探寻 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 12 | 12 | ||
14 | 2015GSF118021 | 糖代谢相关信号通路和代谢通路的调控与肥胖型子宫内膜癌靶向治疗探讨 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 10 | 10 | ||
15 | 2015GSF118027 | 非EGFR突变型肺腺癌多发脑转移不同剂量及分割模式放疗的临床研究 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 邵 倩 | 12 | 12 | |
16 | 2015GSF118125 | 基于测定LINE1基因的血液循环DNA超敏检测试剂盒的开发及其在肝癌的临床应用 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 10 | 10 | ||
17 | 2015GSF118132 | microRNA单核苷酸多态性山东汉族三阴性乳腺癌相关性的研究 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 10 | 10 | ||
18 | 2015GSF118136 | 新型荧光示踪剂在乳腺癌前哨淋巴结活检术中的应用研究 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 10 | 10 | ||
19 | 2015GSF118170 | 基于四维CT重建方式在胸部肿瘤靶区构建中的应用研究 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 10 | 10 | ||
20 | 2015GSF118181 | 基于PET/CT无创性检测乏氧技术的脑胶质瘤个体化靶向乏氧放疗 | 省科技 发展计划 | 2015-2017 | 胡 漫 | 12 | 12 | |
21 | ZR2015HZ004 | 食管癌个体化放疗增敏的基础与临床研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2016.12 | 100 | 60 | 转化医学专题 重点项目 | |
22 | ZR2015QZ09 | 基于磁共振弥散加权成像纹理分析建立非小细胞肺癌放化疗敏感性预测模型 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2016.12 | 50 | 30 | 前瞻性 研究专题 重点项目 | |
23 | ZR2015HM040 | miRNA对小细胞肺癌脑转移风险的预测及机制研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.12 | 朱 慧 | 13 | 8 | 英才基金项目 |
24 | ZR2015HM041 | 胃食管交界癌靶区确定的功能影像与病理对照研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.12 | 13 | 8 | 英才基金项目 | |
25 | ZR2015HM044 | 晚期非小细胞肺癌FBW7缺陷在多西紫杉醇耐药中的作用及机制探索 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.12 | 13 | 8 | 英才基金项目 | |
26 | ZR2015HM055 | 耐受TKI三阴性乳腺癌EGFR/PI3K/Akt信号通路的影响因素研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.12 | 13 | 8 | 英才基金项目 | |
27 | ZR2015HQ011 | 新型融合蛋白Ec-LDM-TF对巨噬细胞介导的抗肿瘤作用的调控机制 (山东省放射肿瘤学重点实验室推荐项目) | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.07 | 刘文娟 | 10 | 7 | 青年基金项目 |
28 | ZR2015PH012 | 兔放射性心脏损伤模型的建立及初步应用研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2016.12 | 4 | 4 | 培养基金项目 | |
29 | ZR2015PH025 | 乳腺癌前哨淋巴结新型荧光-抗体示踪剂与内乳区淋巴引流区域研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2016.12 | 4 | 4 | 培养基金项目 | |
30 | ZR2015YL031 | 表达RNA编码嵌合性抗原受体的T淋巴细胞治疗HER2过表达恶性肿瘤的研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.12 | 石 焕 | 10 | 5 | 省联合基金面上项目 |
31 | ZR2015YL052 | miR-29对大肠癌干细胞Wnt/β-catenin信号通路的调控作用机制研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.12 | 5 | 2.5 | 省联合基金青年项目 | |
32 | ZR2015YL047 | CAFs细胞通过IL-6/STAT3通路促进卵巢癌侵袭转移的作用及机制研究 | 省基金 | 2015.07—2017.12 | 陈 亮 | 5 | 2.5 | 省联合基金青年项目 |
33 | BS2015YY002 | Orai1介导的钙振荡通过促进细胞凋亡拮抗EGFR-TKIs耐药的作用机制 | 省博士基金 | 2015.07—2017.07 | 张 慧 | 7 | 7 | |
34 | BS2015YY019 | TIPE1诱导卵巢癌细胞死亡的Bcl-2途径 | 省博士基金 | 2015.07—2017.07 | 7 | 7 | ||
35 | BS2015YY020 | CXCL5/CXCR2通过调控上皮-间充质转化促进鼻咽癌远处转移的研究 | 省博士基金 | 2015.07—2017.07 | 7 | 7 | ||
36 | BS2015YY028 | 促微管聚合蛋白TPPP3调控非小细胞肺癌增殖和侵袭的作用机制研究 | 省博士基金 | 2015.07—2017.07 | 7 | 7 | ||
37 | 2015RKC03018 | 恶性肿瘤住院患者直接经济负担影响因素及医疗保障制度研究 | 省软科学 | 2015.07—2016.06 | 尚 明 | 无资 | — | 一般项目 |
38 | YG201519 | 借鉴台湾长庚管理模式探索构建区域公立医院经营管理体系 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.06—2015.12 | 付 正 | 0.5 | 医药卫生体制改革研究项目 | |
39 | 2015WS0144 | 常规超声联合超声弹性成像评价乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效及与病理相关性的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
40 | 2015WS0145 | 乳腺X线增强数字减影技术对致密型腺体乳腺癌早期诊断的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
41 | 2015WS0146 | 功能磁共振成像评价乳腺癌乏氧、血管生成及新辅助化疗疗效的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 徐 亮 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
42 | 2015WS0147 | 青蒿琥酯对肝癌的放射增敏作用及其机制研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 苑举鹏 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
43 | 2015WS0148 | 非气管插管全胸腔镜微创技术在胸外术后快速康复中的应用 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
44 | 2015WS0149 | c-Met调控上皮间质转化对结直肠癌细胞转移潜能的影响 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
45 | 2015WS0150 | HSP65-Ki67融合蛋白疫苗免疫治疗三阴性乳腺癌研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
46 | 2015WS0151 | me-x-tadherin基因表达与乳腺癌新辅助化疗疗效相关性的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 陈 鹏 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
47 | 2015WS0152 | lncRNA -PVT1通过抑制miRNA-455促进结肠癌进展的机制研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 柴 杰 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
48 | 2015WS0153 | 盐酸右美托咪定术后镇痛对肿瘤病人免疫功能影响的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
49 | 2015WS0154 | HMGB1基因调控直肠癌放射敏感性的分子机制研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
50 | 2015WS0155 | 靶向乏氧应答基因LOX逆转非小细胞肺癌乏氧诱导化疗耐受的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 魏 玲 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
51 | 2015WS0156 | 基于癌症早诊早治筛查项目的胃癌空间双病例风险模型建立 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 龚继勇 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
52 | 2015WS0157 | 肿瘤微环境中CAFs细胞调控上皮性卵巢癌EMT的机制研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 陈 亮 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
53 | 2015WS0158 | 头颈部肿瘤患者放疗引起的耳蜗、唾液腺损伤预测模型研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 魏玉梅 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
54 | 2015WS0159 | 雷帕霉素通过AKT/mTOR信号通路增加直肠癌新辅助放疗敏感性的机制研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
55 | 2015WS0160 | 同步增量调强放疗(SIB-IMRT)联合多西他赛和顺铂治疗局部晚期食管鳞癌的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 徐 敏 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
56 | 2015WS0161 | TRAIL修饰的非致病沙门氏菌联合放疗对非小细胞肺癌的治疗作用 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 刘艳丽 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
57 | 2015WS0162 | 循环DNA甲基化对晚期三阴性乳腺癌铂类化疗疗效的影响 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 李慧慧 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
58 | 2015WS0163 | 基于大数据的食管癌多模态健康数据平台构建与数据挖掘体系建设研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
59 | 2015WS0164 | 不同放射治疗技术影响原发性肝癌预后的临床研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 冯 瑞 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
60 | 2015WS0165 | miRNA在胰腺癌诊断及治疗中的研究 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
61 | 2015WS0166 | SPECT肺灌注显像中功能肺定义阈值的确定 | 省卫生厅 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
62 | 2015-318 | 养阴生津汤预防放射性肺炎的基础及临床研究 | 省中医局 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 田 静 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
63 | 2015-319 | 基于谱效学的白花蛇舌草核苷抗NSCLC活性成分研究 | 省中医局 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
64 | 2015-320 | 肺痿合剂对H1975非小细胞肺癌细胞株的影响及机制研究 | 省中医局 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 | |
65 | 2015-321 | 养心胶囊对阿霉素诱导大鼠心肌损伤的保护及其作用机制研究 | 省中医局 | 2015.12—2018.12 | 闫 磊 | 无资 | — | 无资项目 由单位配2万 |
66 | 2015-02 | 血浆DNA损伤修复基因甲基化对晚期三阴性乳腺癌化疗疗效的影响 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 李慧慧 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 |
67 | 2015-04 | 放疗联合PD-1单抗治疗胶质母细胞瘤的最佳模式 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 | |
68 | 2015-05 | 多层螺旋CT灌注扫描评价贝伐珠单抗对食管癌同步放化疗的增敏作用 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 | |
69 | 2015-09 | 右美托咪定对内毒素性肺损伤的保护作用及机制研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 | |
70 | 2015-10 | GOLPH3靶向调控PIK3CA/AKT/mTOR信号通路增加直肠癌新辅助放疗敏感性的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 | |
71 | 2015-12 | miR-124针对干细胞样肿瘤细胞治疗非小细胞型肺癌的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 谢 超 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 |
72 | 2015-15 | 健康穴位操联合心理诱导防治顺铂化疗所致呕吐反应 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 侯文红 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 |
73 | 2015-16 | CIP2A与子宫内膜癌侵袭转移及EMT相关机制研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 孙菊杰 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 |
74 | 2015-24 | miR-30参与非小细胞肺癌的放疗敏感性的机制研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 郭 伟 | 1 | 1 | 面上项目 |
75 | 2015-36 | 胃癌淋巴结转移规律对放疗靶区设计指导的临床研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 无资 | - | 面上项目 | |
76 | 2015-37 | 盐酸右美托咪定术后镇痛对妇科恶性肿瘤病人腹腔镜术后镇痛和免疫功能影响的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 无资 | - | 面上项目 | |
77 | 2015-38 | 山东省胃肠胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤(GEP-NETs)临床流行病学研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 马恒敏 | 无资 | - | 面上项目 |
78 | 2015-39 | T4NxM0 期乳腺癌患者TEC新辅助化疗术后过继免疫细胞(DC-CIK)维持治疗临床价值的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 杨 莉 | 无资 | - | 面上项目 |
79 | 2015-40 | 18F-FLT与18F-FDG PET/CT在食管癌放射治疗敏感性早期预测及生物靶区优化中的应用研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 无资 | - | 面上项目 | |
80 | 2015-41 | HER2 Ile655Val基因多态与晚期胃癌曲妥珠单抗治疗疗效的相关性研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 韩 晓 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 |
81 | 2015-44 | 白藜芦醇影响肝癌放射敏感性的作用机制研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 苑举鹏 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 |
82 | 2015-47 | microRNA调节三阴性乳腺癌发生发展机制的初步研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 | |
83 | 2015-48 | MicroRNA-29b靶向调控DNMTs基因与原发性肝癌关系的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 | |
84 | 2015-51 | 基于三维CT、四维CT及锥形束CT的食管癌靶区确定及计划修正的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 | |
85 | 2015-53 | 常规超声联合超声弹性成像在判断乳腺癌腋窝淋巴结性质中的研究究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 | |
86 | 2015-54 | 靶向脑胶质瘤纳米分子探针的构建及成像研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 程 凯 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 |
87 | 2015-58 | 乳腺癌转移Nlp相关基因的确认与验证研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 | |
88 | 2015-61 | 99mTc-MIBI SPECT心肌灌注显像联合TGF-β1早期检测食管癌放射性心脏损伤的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 张 棚 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 |
89 | 2015-62 | 影像引导界定乳腺癌保乳术肿瘤边界引导术后部分乳腺外照射个体化靶区确定的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 王 玮 | 1 | 1 | 青年基金 |
90 | 2015-72 | 选择性COX-2抑制剂联合放疗抑制人咽鳞癌裸鼠移植瘤放疗过程中肿瘤再增殖的实验研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 无资 | - | 青年基金 | |
91 | 2015-73 | 人体腹膜异位移植降低卵巢癌转移及分段实行化疗的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 杨 佳 | 无资 | - | 青年基金 |
92 | 2015-74 | 卵巢癌原发及继发性铂类耐药基因筛查 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 刘 明 | 无资 | - | 青年基金 |
93 | 2015-75 | TAK1通过活化NF-κB信号通路促进胃癌发生发展机制的研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 王 聪 | 无资 | - | 青年基金 |
94 | 2015-76 | 氧疗和(或)涂抹药物在放射性皮肤损伤中的疗效及初步机制研究 | 省医科院 | 2015.12-2017.12 | 孙 旭 | 无资 | - | 青年基金 |
序号 | 批准单位 | 项目名称 | 负责人 | 等次 |
1 | 山东省人民政府 | 功能影像与分子靶向引导胸部肿瘤精准放疗 | 袁双虎 | 山东省科技 进步奖三等奖 |
2 | 山东省医学会 | 功能影像和疗效预测指导Ⅲ期非小细胞肺癌个体化放化疗的研究 | 黄 伟 | 山东医学科技奖科技创新成果奖二等奖 |
3 | 山东省医学会 | has-mir-125a-5p等乳腺癌易感基因与山东汉族女性乳腺癌相关性的研究 | 刘 伟 | 山东医学科技奖科技创新成果奖三等奖 |
4 | 山东省医学会 | Becker型肌营养不良致病突变基因检测及间充质干细胞干预的临床研究 | 崔 凯 | 山东医学科技奖科技创新成果奖三等奖 |
5 | 山东省医学会 | FLT和FDG PET/CT对食管鳞癌靶区确定及手术治疗预后的对比研究 | 山东医学科技奖科技创新成果奖三等奖 | |
6 | 山东省医学会 | 胸部肿瘤个体化放疗减毒与增效研究 | 袁双虎 | 山东医学科技奖科技创新成果奖三等奖 |
7 | 山东省医学会 | 基于在线富集技术毛细管电泳在药物分析中的应用研究 | 刘玉国 | 山东医学科技奖科技创新成果奖三等奖 |
8 | 山东省医学会 | HMGB1参与调控胃癌细胞凋亡及转移机制的研究 | 山东医学科技奖科技创新成果奖三等奖 | |
9 | 山东省医学会 | 肿瘤护理指导手册 | 闫 荣 | 山东医学科技奖成果推广应用奖三等奖 |
10 | 山东省保健科技协会 | Syk-Sp1-VEGF传导通路与胰腺癌淋巴管生成机制的研究 | 山东省保健科技协会 科学技术奖 二等奖 | |
11 | 山东省保健科技协会 | p-gp蛋白介导多药耐药状态功能显像的实验研究 | 崔永春 | 山东省保健科技协会 科学技术奖 二等奖 |
12 | 山东省保健科技协会 | 乳腺癌转移抑制基因的生物学功能及临床诊断应用研究 | 山东省保健科技协会 科学技术奖 三等奖 | |
13 | 山东省保健科技协会 | 分子功能影像指导胶质瘤个体化治疗 | 山东省保健科技协会 科学技术奖 三等奖 | |
14 | 山东省医学科学院 | 参附注射液对心肺复苏后心功能的保护机制 | 医科院科学技术成果奖一等奖 | |
15 | 山东省医学科学院 | 肿瘤乏氧靶向多重自杀基因治疗的临床前研究 | 孙晓蓉 | 医科院科学技术成果奖二等奖 |
16 | 山东省医学科学院 | 乳腺癌发生发展及耐药的分子机制研究 | 李慧慧 | 医科院科学技术成果奖二等奖 |
17 | 山东省医学科学院 | 家族性腺瘤性息肉病家系成员cox-2、apc、β-catenin动态变化:5年随访分析 | 医科院科学技术成果奖二等奖 | |
18 | 山东省医学科学院 | 分子功能影像指导恶性胶质瘤放疗的应用价值 | 医科院科学技术成果奖三等奖 | |
19 | 山东省医学科学院 | 乳腺癌转移的多层面分析及分子机制研究 | 医科院科学技术成果奖三等奖 | |
20 | 山东省医学科学院 | 功能影像对非小细胞肺癌个体化治疗的应用研究 | 谢 鹏 | 医科院科学技术成果奖三等奖 |
序号 | 科 室 | 作 者 | 论文题目 | 杂志名称 (时间、卷期、页码) | 影响 因子 |
1 | 特一病区 | 于金明12T/13 温芝华1/13 (并列通讯) | Increased me-x-tabolites of 5-lipoxygenase from hypoxic ovarian cancer cells promote tumor-associated macrophage infiltration | Oncogene 2015,34(10): 1241-1252 | 8.459 |
2 | 特一病区 | 于金明4T/4 蒋力扬1/4 | Involved field irradiation for the treatment of esophageal cancer: Is it better than elective nodal irradiation? | Cancer Letter 2015,357(1):69-74 | 5.621 |
3 | 特一病区 | 于金明5T/5 滕菲菲1/5 | Radiotherapy combined with immunecheckpoint blockade immunotherapy: Achievements and challenges. | Cancer Lett 2015,365(1):23-29 | 5.621 |
4 | 特一病区 | 孔 莉7T/8 于金明8T/8 朱 慧1/8 | Increased serum carcinoembryonic antigen level can predict poor survival of patients with small cell lung cancer | Translational Research 2015,166:355-365 | 5.03 |
5 | 特一病区 | 于金明8T/8 滕菲菲1/8 | Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, forkhead box P3, programmed death ligand-1, and cytotoxic T lymphocyte–associated antigen-4 ex-x-pressions before and after neoadjuvant chemoradiation in rectal cancer | Translational research 2015 ,166(6):721-732 | 5.03 |
6 | 放四病区 | 于金明10T/10 张 棚1/10 | Early detection of radiation-induced heart disease using 99mTc-MIBI SPECT gated myocardial perfusion imaging in patients with oesophageal cancer during radiotherapy | Radiotherapy and Oncology 2015, 115(2): 171–178 | 4.363 |
7 | 特一病区 | 于金明8T/8 穆殿斌2T/8 滕菲菲1/8 孟祥姣3/8 | Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) before and after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and its clinical utility for rectal cancer | Am J Cancer Res 2015,5(6):2064-2074 | 4.165 |
8 | 特一病区 | 于金明7T/7 赵 芬1/7 | 18F-Fluorothymidine PET-CT for Resected Malignant Gliomas before Radiotherapy: Tumor Extent According to Proliferative Activity Compared with MRI | Plos One 2015,10(3):e0118769 | 3.234 |
9 | 特一病区 | 于金明9T/9 孔 莉8T/9 井 旺1/9 朱 慧2/9 | Feasibility of Elective Nodal Irradiation (ENI) and Involved Field Irradiation (IFI) in Radiotherapy for the Elderly Patients (Aged ≥70 Years) with Esophageal Squamous Cell Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis from a Single Institute | Plos One 2015,10(12):0143007 | 3.234 |
10 | 特一病区 | 于金明9T/9 赵 芬1/9 | FDG PET predicts pain response and local control in palliative radiotherapy with or without systemic treatment in patients with bone me-x-tastasis from non-small cell lung cancer | Clinical Lung Cancer 2015,16(6):111-119 | 3.104 |
11 | 放八病区 | 于金明11T/12袁双虎1/12 (并列通讯) | 2015,38(2):130-134 | 3.062 | |
12 | 特一病区 | 于金明7T/7 陈大卫1/7 张 燕2/7 | Sustained response of malignant pericardial effusion to intrapericardial bevacizumab in an advanced lung cancer patient: a case report and literature review | OncoTargets and Therapy 2015:8 2767–2770 | 2.311 |
13 | 特一病区 | 于金明4T/4 金 锋1/4 | A spectrum of cutaneous toxicities from erlotinib may be a robust clinical marker for non-small-cell lung therapy: a case report and literature review | Onco Targets and Therapy 2015:8:943–946 | 2.311 |
14 | 物理室 | 于金明4T/4 尹 勇2/4 | High-dose-rate Three-dimensional Conformal Radiotherapy Combined with Active Breathing Control for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy of Early-stage Non-small-cell Lung Cancer | Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2015 ,14(6):677-82 | 1.73 |
15 | 放四病区 | 于金明9T/9 张 棚1/9 孟 雪2/9 | Non-small cell lung cancer with concomitant intramuscular myxoma of the right psoas mimicking intramuscular me-x-tastasis: A case report and literature review | Oncology Letters 2015, 10(5): 3059-3063 | 1.554 |
16 | 放一病区 | 于金明6T/6 施鹏越1/6 孟 雪2/6 | Association between serum tumor makers and me-x-tabolic tumor volume or total lesion glycolysis in patients with recurrent small cell lung cancer | Oncology Letters 2015,10:3123-3128 | 1.554 |
17 | 放三病区 | 于金明8T/8 徐 敏1/8 | Different methods for target volume delineation of glandular breast tissue following breast-conserving surgery in breast cancer: A comparative study | Oncology letters 2015,10:625-630 | 1.554 |
18 | 特一病区 | 于金明6T/6 | Inhibition of janus kinase 2 by compound AG490 suppresses the proliferation of MDA-MB-231 cells via up-regulating SARI (suppressor of AP-1, regulated by IFN) | Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences 2015,18(6): 599-603 | 1.228 |
19 | 放十病区 | 于金明4T/4 孟祥姣1/4 | Eczema as the first manifestation of a lung cancer | J Cancer Res Ther 2015 ,11(3):659 | 0.791 |
20 | 妇三病区 | 盛修贵3T/7 李兴兰1/7 尹月菊2/7 | Distribution pattern of lymph node me-x-tastases and its implication in individualized radiotherapeutic clinical target volume delineation of regional lymph nodes in patients with stage IA to IIA cervical cancer | Radiation Oncology 2015,10:40 | 2.546 |
21 | 妇四病区 | 盛修贵3T/7 尹月菊1/7 李慧芹2/7 | The Treatment of Pelvic Locoregional Recurrence of Cervical Cancer After Radical Surgery With Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy Compared With Conventional Radiotherapy: A Retrospective Study. | Int J Gynecol Cancer 2015,25(6):1058-65 | 1.958 |
22 | 妇三病区 | 盛修贵4T/4 李兴兰1/4 陈振宇2/4 | Simultaneous modulated accelerated radiotherapy in cervical cancer with retroperitoneal lymph node me-x-tastasis after radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy | International Journal of Gynecological Cancer 2015, 5 (25) : 903-909 | 1.958 |
23 | 妇四病区 | 盛修贵9T/9 魏 萍1/9 (并列通讯) | Evaluation of prognostic factors for secondary cytoreductive surgery in Chinese patients with recurrent epithelial ovarian carcinoma | International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015,8(1):1066-1072 | 1.277 |
24 | 妇四病区 | 盛修贵6T/6 魏 萍1/6 (并列通讯) | Clinical observation study of conformal radiotherapy combined with topotecan chemotherapy treatment in patients with platinum- resistant recurrent ovarian cancer | Genetics and Molecular Research 2015,14 (2): 3833-3842 | 0.775 |
25 | 放六病区 | 李宝生7T/7 赵 倩1/7 | Intratumoral Heterogeneity of Subcutaneous Nodules in a Never-Smoker Woman of Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Detected on 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography . A Case Report | Medicine 2015,94(21):e851 | 5.723 |
26 | 放六病区 | 李宝生8T/8 黄 伟1/8 | Atlas of the thoracic lymph nodal delineation and recommendations for lymph nodal CTV of esophagealsquamous cell cancer in radiation therapy from China | 2015, 116(1):100–106. | 4.363 |
27 | 放六病区 | 李宝生6T/7 刘建国5T/7 王 娟1/7 李冬松2/7 (第二单位) | Gelatin tight-coated poly(lactide-co-glycolide) scaffolds incorporating BMP-2 for bone tissue engineering | Materials 2015,8:1009-1026 | 2.651 |
28 | 放六病区 | 李宝生8T/8 黄 伟1/8 刘 波2/8 | The early predictive value of a decrease of me-x-tabolic tumor volume in repeated 18F-FDG PET/CT for recurrence of locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer with concurrent radiochemotherapy. | 2015 Mar;84(3):482-8 | 2.369 |
29 | 放六病区 | 李宝生5T/5 董 玮1/5 | Clinical significance of microRNA-24 ex-x-pression in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. | Neoplasma 2015,62(2):250-8 | 1.865 |
30 | 放六病区 | 李宝生8T/8 王 峰1/8 | Comparison of Gefitinib versus VMP in the combination with radiotherapy for multiple brain me-x-tastases from non-small cell lung cancer | Cell Biochem Biophys 2015,71(2):1261-5 | 1.68 |
31 | 放六病区 | 李宝生7T/13 栾祖鹏1/13 | Efficacy of 3D conformal thoracic radiotherapy for extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer: A retrospective study | Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine 2015,10(2): 671-678 | 1.269 |
32 | 放六病区 | 李宝生7T/7 韩 丹1/7 | Comparison of once daily radiotherapy to 60 Gy and twicedaily radiotherapy to 45 Gy for limited stage small-celllung cancer | Thoracic Cancer 2015,6(5):643-8 | 0.898 |
33 | 放六病区 | 李宝生3T/5 张媛媛1/5 (单位) | Magnetic resonance imaging for N staging in non-small cell lung cancer: a systematic review and me-x-ta-analysis | Thorac Cancer 2015,6(2):123-32 | 0.898 |
34 | 放六病区 | 李宝生8T/8 张 炜1/8 | Prospective study of special stage II (T2b-3N0M0) non-small-cell lung cancer treated with hypofractionated-simultaneous integrated boost-intensity modulated radiation therapy | Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics 2015,11(2): 381-387 | 0.791 |
35 | 内一病区 | 王哲海9T/10 翟 侃10T/10 李慧慧1/10 | Tumour Necrosis Factor-α Gene Polymorphism Is Associated with me-x-tastasis in Patients with Triple Negative Breast Cancer | Scientific Reports 2015,13(5):10244 | 5.578 |
36 | 内三病区 | 王哲海11T/12张 阳12T/12 唐 博10T/12 张 霞1/12 张 斌2/12 | Mechanisms of Gefitinib-mediated reversal of tamoxifen resistance in MCF-7 breast cancer cells by inducing Era re-ex-x-pression | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2015,5:7835 | 5.578 |
37 | 内三病区 | 王哲海4T/4 石 焕1/4 郭 珺2/4 | A current review of folate receptor alpha as a potential tumor target in non-small-cell lung cancer | Drug Design, Development and Therapy 2015,9:4989–4996 | 3.028 |
38 | 内三病区 | 王哲海2T/10张倩倩1/10 | Comparison of single-agent chemotherapy and targeted therapy to first-line treatment in patients aged 80 years and older with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer | Onco Targets and Therapy 2015:8 893-898 | 2.311 |
39 | 内三病区 | 王哲海2T/4 孙雯雯1/4 | Factors Influencing the Attitudes of Chinese Cancer Patients and Their Families Toward the Disclosure of a Cancer Diagnosis | Journal of cancer education 2015,30(1):20-25 | 1.23 |
40 | 基础实验室 | 宋现让5T/5 葛胜光4T/5 李 龙1/5 | All-graphene composite materials for signal amplification toward ultrasensitive electrochemical immunosensing of tumor marker | Biosens Bioelectron 2015,71:108-114 | 6.409 |
41 | 放一病区 | 王仁本2T/10 窦 雪1/10 | The prognostic role of TCF4 ex-x-pression in locally advanced rectal cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy | Cancer Biomarkers 2015,15(2):181-188 | 1.721 |
42 | 放二病区 | 于甬华2T/5 张 硕1/5 | Radiotherapy in muscle-invasive bladder cancer: the latest research progress and clinical application | Am J Cancer Res 2015,5(2):854-868 | 4.165 |
43 | 放二病区 | 于甬华8T/8 张 永1/8 高 超2/8 | A randomized phase II study of erlotinib plus nab- paclitaxel versus erlotinib alone as second-line therapy for Chinese patients with advanced EGFR wild-type non-small-cell lung cancer | 2015,33(6):241-5 | 2.218 |
44 | 放二病区 | 于甬华2T/5 张 硕1/5 张 永4/5 | Diagnosis and treatment of accessory breast cancer in 11 patients | Oncol Lett 2015,10(3):1783-1788 | 1.554 |
45 | 放二病区 | 于甬华2T/6 张 永1/6 | 18FDG PETCT standardized uptake value for the prediction of radiation pneumonitis in patients with lung cancer receiving radiotherapy | Oncol Lett 2015,10(5):2909-2914 | 1.554 |
46 | 放二病区 | 于甬华3T/4 张 硕1/4 | Results of multimodal treatment for desmoplastic small round cell tumor of the abdomen and pelvis | Int J Clin Exp Med 2015,8(6):9658-66 | 1.277 |
47 | 放二病区 | 于甬华4T/7 高 超1/7 张 永2/7 | Postoperative recurrence solitary fibrous tumor of the pelvic with malignant transformation. | Int J Clin Exp Med 2015,8(9):16827-833 | 1.277 |
48 | 放三病区 | 李建彬2T/10 王金之1/10 | Changes in tumour volume and motion during radiotherapy for thoracic oesophageal cancer | Radiotherapy and Oncology 2015,114(2):201-205 | 4.363 |
49 | 放三病区 | 李建彬2T/7 邵 倩1/7 | Clinical investigation into the initial diagnosis and treatment of 1,168 lung cancer patients | Oncology letters 2015,9: 563-568 | 1.554 |
50 | 放三病区 | 李建彬 2T/8 国 兵 1/8 | Interobserver variability in the delineation of the tumour bed using seroma and surgical clips based on 4DCT scan for external-beam partial breast irradiation | Radiation oncology 2015,10:66 | 2.546 |
51 | 放三病区 | 李建彬2T/10段益利1/10 | Comparison of primary tumour volumes delineated on four-dimensional computed tomography maximum intensity projection and 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography computed tomography images of non-small cell lung cancer | Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 2015,59(5):623-630 | 1.109 |
52 | 放四病区 | 孟 雪10T/10 刘 静1/10 | Exploring Spatial Overlap of High-Uptake Regions Derived From Dual Tracer Positron Emission Tomography-Computer Tomography Imaging Using 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose and 18F-Fluorodeoxythymidine in Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer Patients | Medicine 2015,94(17):e678 | 5.723 |
53 | 放四病区 | 孟 雪6T/6 高 昂1/6 王世江2/6 | 18F-FDG avid volumes on pre-radiotherapy FDG PET as boost target delineation in non-small cell lung cancer | International journal of clinical and experimental medicine 2015, 8(5): 7561–7568 | 1.277 |
54 | 放四病区 | 孟 雪9T/9 陈晓婷1/9 赵 新2/9 | Proliferation PET image to characterize pathological spatial features in patients with non-small cell lung cancer: a pilot study | International journal of clinical and experimental medicine, 2015;8(6):9758-9764 | 1.277 |
55 | 放四病区 | 王之奇9T/9 王世江1/9 | Ligand-conjugated pH-sensitive polymeric micelles for the targeted delivery of gefitinib in lung cancers | Rsc Advances 2015,5(89): 73184-73193 | 3.84 |
56 | 放四病区 | 张华琦7T/8 王世江1/8 | Knockdown of PKM2 Enhances Radiosensitivity of Non-small cell Lung Cancer | Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 2015,73(1): 21-26 | 1.68 |
57 | 放八病区 | 袁双虎10T/10 高 嵩1/10 | A pilot study imaging integrin αvβ3 with RGD PET/CT in suspected lung cancer patients | Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2015,42(13):2029-2037 | 5.383 |
58 | 放八病区 | 袁双虎11T/11 魏玉春1/11 | Noninvasive Evaluation of me-x-tabolic Tumor Volume in Lewis Lung Carcinoma Tumor-Bearing C57BL/6 Mice with Micro-PET and the Radiotracers 18F-Alfatide and 18F-FDG: A Comparative Analysis | PLOS ONE 2015;10(9):e0136195 | 3.234 |
59 | 放八病区 | 袁双虎8T/8 高 嵩1/8 | Gastric me-x-tastasis from small cell lung cancer: A case report | World J Gastroenterol 2015,21(5):1684-1688 | 2.369 |
60 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚4T/8 孙晓蓉1/8 | Visualizing the antivascular effect of bortezomib on the hypoxic tumor microenvironment | 2015,6(33):34732-44 | |
61 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚8T/9 赵汉玺1/9 谢 鹏2/9 | A prospective phase II trial of EGCG in treatment of acute radiation-induced esophagitis for stage III lung cancer | 2015,114(3):351-6 | 4.363 |
62 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚4T/4 于 洋1/4 | Role of Gross Tumor Volume in the Prognosis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With 3D Conformal Radiotherapy: A me-x-ta-Analysis. | Clin Ther 2015,37(10):2256-66 | 2.731 |
63 | 放十病区 | 邢力刚7T/7 董鑫哲1/7 吴培培2/7 | Intra-tumour18F-FDG uptake heterogeneity decreases the reliability on target volume definition with positron emission tomography/computed tomography imaging | Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 2015,59:338–345 | |
64 | 特一病区 | 王兴莉3T/3 刘玉国1/3 | A randomized Phase II clinical study of combining panitumumab and bevacizumab, plus irinotecan, 5-fluorouracil, and leucovorin (FOLFIRI) compared with FOLFIRI alone as second-line treatment for patients with me-x-tastatic colorectal cancer and KRAS mutation | Oncotargets and Therapy 2015,8: 1061-1068 | 2.311 |
65 | 外一病区 | 刘 凯7T/7 霍志军1/7 | Novel nanosystem to enhance the antitumor activity of lapatinib in breast cancer treatment: Therapeutic efficacy evaluation. | Cancer Sci 2015,106(10):1429-37 | 3.523 |
66 | 外一病区 | 左文述3T/5 霍志军1/5 | me-x-tastases of basal-like breast invasive ductal carcinoma to the endometrium: A case report and review of the literature | Thorac Cancer 2015,6(4):548-52 | 0.898 |
67 | 外一病区 | 于志勇6T/6 刘 琪1/6 | Correlation Analysis of Hormone Receptors and the ex-x-pressions of HER-2 and Ki-67 in Breast Cancer | European journal of gynaecological oncology 2015;36(1):78-83 | 0.611 |
68 | 外一病区 | 于志勇7T/7 王新昭1/7 宋洪宽2/7 | Ad-p53 enhances the sensitivity of triple-negative breast cancer MDA-MB-468 cells to the EGFR inhibitor gefitinib | Oncol Rep 2015,33(2):526-532 | 2.301 |
69 | 外一病区 | 于志勇8T/8 王新昭1/8 | Correlation between p53 and epidermal growth factor receptor ex-x-pression in breast cancer classification | Genet Mol Res 2015,14(2):4282-4290 | 0.775 |
70 | 外一病区 | 于志勇7T/7 刘 琪1/7 王新昭2/7 | Effects of the ninein‑like protein centrosomal protein on breast cancer cell invasion and migration | Mol Med Rep 2015,12(2):1659-1664 | 1.554 |
71 | 外二病区 | 左文述3T/8 葛文凯1/8 | Evaluation of hormone receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 and Ki-67 with core needle biopsy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy effects in breast cancer patients | Thoracic Cancer 2015,6:64–69 | 0.898 |
72 | 外三病区 | 王永胜2T/11 毕 祥1/11 李敏敏3/11 | Validation of the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center nomogram for predicting non-sentinel lymph node me-x-tastasis in sentinel lymph node-positive breast-cancer patients. | 2015, 8:487-493 | 2.311 |
73 | 外三病区 | 王永胜6T/6 曹晓珊1/6 | 2015, 8:1499-1502. | 2.311 | |
74 | 外三病区 | 王永胜10T/10 丛斌斌1/10 曹晓珊2/10 | OncoTargets and Therapy 2015, 8: 2705–2708 | 2.311 | |
75 | 外三病区 | 王永胜2T/5 曹晓珊1/5 | Study of internal mammary sentinel lymph node biopsy in breast cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy | OncoTargets and Therapy 2015, 8: 2873–2874 | 2.311 |
76 | 外三病区 | 王永胜10T/10 孙 晓1/10 李 浩2/10 | Sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with breast ductal carcinoma in situ – Chinese experience | Oncol Lett 2015, 10(3): 1932-1938 | 1.554 |
77 | 外四病区 | 郭洪亮7T/8 (并列通讯) | ASPP2 enhances Oxaliplatin (L-OHP)-induced colorectal cancer cell apoptosis in a p53-independent manner by inhibiting cell autophagy | Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2015,19(3): 535-543 | 4.014 |
78 | 外四病区 | 李增军2T/9 王海鹏1/9 | Relationship between high-mobility group box 1 overex-x-pression in ovarian cancer tissue and serum: a me-x-ta-analysis | Oncotargets and therapy 2015,8:3523-3531 | 2.311 |
79 | 外四病区 | 郭洪亮9T/11 (并列通讯1/4) | Mitochondrial DNA D-loop AG/TC transition mutation in cortical neurons of mice after long-term exposure to nucleoside analogues | Journal of NeuroVirology 2015,21:500-507 | 2.595 |
80 | 外四病区 | 郭洪亮5T/5 孙燕来1/5 (并列通讯、第一) | Gallbladder perforation: a rare complication of postoperative chemotherapy of gastric cancer. | World J Surg Oncol 2015,13:245 |
1.408 |
81 | 外四病区 | 孙燕来3T/4 徐忠法4T/4 (第二单位) | Multiple cutaneous and intestinal me-x-tastases in lung cancer: A case report. | Oncol Lett 2015,9 (4) :1541-1544 | 1.554 |
82 | 外四病区 | 徐忠法1T/9 (非唯一通讯) | A novel spherical magnetic compression device for colorectal anastomosis in a Swine model. | J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech 2015,25(4):323-9 | 1.335 |
83 | 外四病区 | 郭洪亮6T/6 柴 杰1/6 | MicroRNA-455 inhibits proliferation and invasion of colorectal cancer by targeting RAF proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase | Tumor Biol 2015,36:1313–1321 | 3.611 |
84 | 外四病区 | 郭洪亮7T/8 张宗利8T/8 柴 杰1/8 | MicroRNA-494 Sensitizes Colon Cancer Cells to Fluorouracil Through Regulation of DPYD | International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2015,3:191–201 | 3.143 |
85 | 外四病区 | 管 杰10T/10 张 毅1/10 宋希林2/10 | RLIP76 blockade by siRNA Inhibits proliferation,enhances apoptosis,and suppresses invasion in HT29 colon cancer cells | Cell biochem Biophys 2015,71:579-585 | 1.68 |
86 | 外五病区 | 李道堂3T/3 赵晓明1/3 | Oleanolic acid suppresses the proliferation of lung carcinoma cells by miR-122/Cyclin G1/MEF2D axis | Mol Cell Biochem 2015,400:1-7 | 2.393 |
87 | 外五病区 | 李道堂5T/5 赵晓明1/5 | The Association between Preoperative Serum C-Reactive Protein and Hepatocellular Carcinoma Recurrence in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection—A Retrospective Study | Plos One 2015,10(1):e0116909 | 3.234 |
88 | 外五病区 | 黄承锁5T/5 刘曙光1/5 | The Clinical Research of Serum VEGF, TGF-β1, and Endostatin in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics 2015,72:165-169 | 1.68 |
89 | 外七病区 | 杨明山2T/4 孙保勇1/4 | The microRNA-217 functions as a tumor suppressor and is frequently downregulated in human osteosarcoma | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2015,71:58–63 | 2.023 |
90 | 外七病区 | 孙保勇1T/4 | Identifications of genetic differences between me-x-tastatic and non-me-x-tastatic osteosarcoma samples based on bioinformatics analysis | Med Oncol 2015,32(5):153 | 2.634 |
91 | 外七病区 | 李 胜5T/5 佟 峰4T/5 王振丹1/5 | Prognostic value of circulating tumor cells in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck:a systematic reciew and me-x-ta-analysis | Medical Oncology 2015,32(5):164 | 2.634 |
92 | 外七病区 | 李 胜9T/9 靳 松1/9 | Screening analysis of candidate gene mutations in a kindred with polycystic liver disease | World J Gastroenterol 2015,21(8): 2343-2351 | 2.369 |
93 | 外七病区 | 李 胜9T/9 佟 峰8T/9 李 庞1/9 | Transplantation of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymalstems cells for the treatment of Becker muscular dystrophy in affected pedigree members | International Journal Of Molecular Medicine 2015,35:1051-1057 | 2.088 |
94 | 外七病区 | 张 波3T/6 王振丹1/6 | Hemangioendothelioma arising from the spleen: A case report and literature review | Oncology Letters 2015,9(1): 209-212 | 1.554 |
95 | 外七病区 | 石学涛6T/7 周武元1/7 (并列通讯) | TCM matrine inducescell arrest and apoptosis with recovery ex-x-pression of the hepato-specific miR122a in human hepatocellular carcinomaHep G2cell line | International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015,8(6):9004-9012 | 1.277 |
96 | 外八病区 | 马 恒4T/4 刘 凯1/4 宋希林2/4 | Overex-x-pression of FGFR2 contributes to inherent resistance to MET inhibitors in MET-amplified patient-derived gastric cancer xenografts | Oncol Lett 2015,10 (4): 2003-2008 | 1.554 |
97 | 外八病区 | 霍志军8T/8 刘 凯1/8 | Hyaluronic acid-tagged silica nanoparticles in colon cancer therapy: therapeutic efficacy evaluation | Int J Nanomedicine 2015,10:6445-6454 | 4.383 |
98 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙5/5T 邵文博1/5 | The hepatitis B virus reactivation after transarterial chemoembolization in Chinese hepatocellular carcinoma patients with low serum hepatitis B virus Dna level | Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 2015,11:1367–1370 | 1.469 |
99 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙6T/7 马双双1/7 卜文哲2/7 | Radiotherapy treatment of large esophageal leiomyosarcoma: A case report | Oncology Letters 2015,9:2422-2424 | 1.554 |
100 | 外十病区 | 刘吉兵1T/6 | miR-1285-3p acts as a potential tumor suppressor miRNA via downregulating JUN ex-x-pression in Hepatocellular Carcinoma | Tumor Biol 2015,36:219-225 | 3.611 |
101 | 外十病区 | 谢印法6T/6 吴会勇1/6 | Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE) for lymph node me-x-tastases in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma | J Surg Oncol 2015,112(4):372-6 | 3.244 |
102 | 外十病区 | 胡旭东2T/6 王小玥1/6 | Comparison of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and positron emission tomography in detection of tumor recurrence in posttreatment of glioma:A diagnostic neta-analysis | Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015,11(2):97-105 | 1.542 |
103 | 外十病区 | 谢印法5T/5 谭学芬1/5 | Therapeutic value of transcatheter arterial chemoembolization combined with portal vein embolization for primary hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumor thrombus: A pilot study | Asia Pac J Clin Oncol 2015,11(3):6-12 | 1.542 |
104 | 外十病区 | 谢印法6T/6 吴会勇1/6 | Pure transcatheter arterial chemoembolization therapy for intrahepatic tumors causes a shrink in pulmonary me-x-tastases of hepatocellular carcinoma | Int J Clin Exp Med 2015,8(1):1035-42 | 1.277 |
105 | 外十一病区 | 陈万军3T/9 王 亮1/9 | Non-Functional Parathyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature | Cancer Biology & Therapy 2015,16(11):1569-76 | 3.072 |
106 | 外十一病区 | 王世江8T/8 王之奇1/8 | A cell-targeted chemotherapeutic nanomedicine strategy for oral squamous cell carcinoma therapy | J Nanobiotechnology 2015,13: 63 | 4.115 |
107 | 外十二病区 | 杨明山7T/7 李彦良1/7 | si-RNA-Mediated Knockdown of PDLIM5 Suppresses Gastric Cancer Cell Proliferation in Vitro | Chem Biol Drug Des 2015,85:447–453 | 2.485 |
108 | 外十三病区 | 陶荣杰5T/5 赵海涛1/5 | Pemetrexed plus rituximab as second-line treatment for primary central nervous system lymphoma | Med Oncol 2015,32(1):351 | 2.634 |
109 | 外十三病区 | 陶荣杰7T/7 | Stripping surgery in facial nerve schwannomas with favorable facial nerve function | American Journal of Otolaryngology 2015,36(4): 513-516 | 0.984 |
110 | 王凯国7T/7 李 浩1/7 | Effects of epidural analgesia with different concentrations of bupivacaine plus fentanyl on pain in patients undergoing thoracic surgery | Int J Clin Exp Med 2015,8(8):14123-6 | 1.277 | |
111 | 内一病区 | 张 丽15T/15 吕宝玉1/15 | CXCR4 Signaling Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition by PI3K/AKT and ERK Pathways in Glioblastoma | Mol Neurobiol 2015,52(3):1263-8 | 5.137 |
112 | 内一病区 | 张 述14T/16叶启农16T/16 徐小杰15T/16 冯莹莹1/16 李 玲2/16 张晓梅3/16 | Hematopoietic pre-B cell leukemia transcription factor interacting protein is overexpressed in gastric cancer and promotes gastric cancer cell proliferation, migration, and invasion | Cancer Sci 2015,106:1313–1322 | 3.523 |
113 | 内二病区 | 郭其森8T/8 王丽杰1/8 | Association Between Chronic Respiratory Diseases and Helicobacter pylori:A me-x-ta-Analysis | Arch Bronconeumol 2015,51(6):273-278 | 1.823 |
114 | 内三病区 | 刘 杰10T/10 宋 宝9T/10 程森森1/10 李建中2/10 刘文建3/10 | LTA + 252A > G polymorphism is associated with risk of nasal NK/T-cell lymphoma in a Chinese population: a case-control study | BMC Cancer 2015,15:480 | 3.362 |
115 | 内三病区 | 刘 杰11T/11 程森森1/11 邵珠林2/11 刘秀春3/11 | Interleukin 17A Polymorphism Elevates Gene ex-x-pression and Is Associated with Increased Risk of Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer | DNA Cell Biol 2015 34(1):63-68 | 2.055 |
116 | 内三病区 | 刘 杰5T/5 马 原1/5 孙菊杰2/5 | Follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: two rare cases and a brief review of the literature. | Onco Targets Ther 2015,8:1823-1830 | 2.311 |
117 | 内三病区 | 刘 杰9T/9 马 原1/9 刘秀春2/9 朱井研3/9 | Polymorphismsof co-inhibitoryMolecules (CTLA-4/ PD-1/ PD-L1) and the riskof non-small cell lung cancer in a Chinese population | 2015,8(9):16585-16591 | 1.277 |
118 | 内三病区 | 刘 杰8T/8 马 原1/8 孙 磊2/8 刘利妍3/9 | Phase II clinical trial of palonosetron combined with tropisetron in preventing chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | Int J Clin Exp Med 2015,8(5):7989-7994 | 1.277 |
119 | 内五病区 | 时圣彬3T/5 田 静1/5 | Cetuximab Plus Pemetrexed as second-line therapy for fluorouracil-based pre-treated me-x-tastatic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma | Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2015,76:829-834 | 2.769 |
120 | 内六病区 | 任瑞美2T/7 柳善刚1/7 | Diffusion-weighted imaging in assessing pathological response of tumor in breast cancer subtype to neoadjuvant chemotherapy | J Magn Reson Imaging 2015,42(3):779-787 | 3.21 |
121 | 内六病区 | 任瑞美8T/8 柳善刚1/8 | Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI-guided Percutaneous Transthoracic Needle Biopsy of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules | Cardiovasc Intervent Radio 2015,38(2):416-421 | 2.071 |
122 | 内六病区 | 刘增军2T/8 | Risk patterns of subsequent primary cancers following esophagectomy in early-stage thoracic esophageal squamous cell cancer patients | Tumori 2015,101(3):328-33 | 1.269 |
123 | 内八病区 | 周海燕2T/2 | Molecularly targeted gemcitabine-loaded nanoparticulate system towards the treatment of EGFR overexpressing lung cancer | Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 2015,70:123-128 | 2.023 |
124 | 内九病区 | 石 焕6T/6 | Potential therapeutic strategy for gastric cancer peritoneal me-x-tastasis by NKG2D ligands-specific T cells | OncoTargets and Therapy 2015,8:3095–3104 | 2.311 |
125 | 内十病区 | 任国华7T/7 (并列通讯) | Effect of siRNA on Wisp-1 gene ex-x-pression, proliferation, migration and adhesion of mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cells | Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2015,8(10): 821–828 | 1.062 |
126 | 妇一病区 | 李庆水6T/6 蒋 胜1/6 | me-x-tastasis of a cervical carcinoma to the clitoris | Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2015,35(2):213-214 | 0.551 |
127 | 妇三病区 | 刘乃富2T/2 陈 芳1/2 | A 10‑gene ex-x-pression signature of Notch pathway predicts recurrence in ovarian carcinoma | Oncology letters 2015,10(3):1704-1708 | 1.554 |
128 | 黄 勇3T/3 戚元刚1/3 | Analysis of computed tomography and pathological observations of non-Hodgkin lymphomas with peritoneal, omental and mesenteric involvement | Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine 2015,9:891-894 | 1.269 | |
129 | 孙晓蓉2T/4 孙 露1/4 | The role of (18)F-FDG PET/CT imaging in patient with malignant PEComa treated with mTOR inhibitor | 2015,8:1967-1970 | 2.311 | |
130 | 物理室 | 卢 洁4T/9 张桂芳1/9 韩大力2/9 | Gradient-based delineation of the primary GTV on FLT PET in squamous cell cancer of the thoracic esophagus and impact on radiotherapy planning | Radiation Oncology 2015,10(1):11 | 2.546 |
131 | 谢 丽2T /4 赵月环4T/4 郭 伟1/4 | mRNA and microRNA ex-x-pression profiles of radioresistant NCI‑H520 non‑small cell lung cancer cells | Molecular Medicine Reports 2015,12: 1857-1867 | 1.554 | |
132 | 赵月环6T/6 纪岩磊1/6 | The clinical analysis of acute pancreatitis in colorectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy after operation | OncoTargets and Therapy 2015,8:2527-2533 | 2.311 | |
133 | 教育科 | 崔永春4T/4 | miR-107 and miR-25 simultaneously target LATS2 and regulate proliferation and invasion of gastric adenocarcinoma (GAC) cells | Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2015,460(3):806-812 | 2.297 |
134 | 内三病区 | 王哲海1T/1 | Selection of chemotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer is facilitated by new therapeutic strategies | Int J Clin Exp Med 2014,7(11):3833-3842 | 1.277 |
135 | 放八病区 | 赵 伟1T/12 | Primary clear cell carcinoma of nasal cavity: report of six cases and review of literature | 2014,7(12):5469-5476 | 1.277 |
136 | 外九病区 | 宋金龙6T/7 李金鹏1/7 | Efficacy of Sorafenib for Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Prognostic Factors | Hepato-Gastroenterology 2014,61(132):954-957 | 0.928 |
137 | 周长春9T/10 (并列通讯) | The ALDH7A1 genetic polymorphisms contribute to development of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma | Tumor Biol 2014,35:12665-12670 | 3.611 | |
138 | 内二病区 | 朱栋元1/7 | Twist1 correlates with poor differentiation and progression in gastric adenocarcinoma via elevation of FGFR2 ex-x-pression | World J Gastroenterology 2014,20(48):18306-18315 | 2.36 |
序号 | 专利类型 | 专利名称 | 专利号 / 授权时间 | 发明人 |
1 | 发明专利 | 一种腹可安片的制备方法及其在制备抑制小鼠淋巴瘤细胞YAC-1细胞增殖药物中的应用 | ZL2013 1 0659043.6、2015年06月10日 | 从 宁 邵文博 解 莹 李忠民 |
2 | 发明专利 | 一种益康补元片的制备方法及其在抑制小鼠淋巴瘤细胞L5178Y细胞增殖药物中的应用 | ZL2013 1 0669829.6、2015年06月24日 | 邵文博 从 宁 |
3 | 发明专利 | 一种毛莲菜提取物的制备方法及其应用 | ZL2013 1 0525676.8、2015年09月02日 | |
4 | 发明专利 | 一种齿缘草提取物的制备方法及其应用 | ZL2013 1 0525327.6、2015年09月02日 | |
5 | 实用新型专利 | 一种引流管套组 | ZL2014 2 0576660.X、2015年03月04日 | 李增军 张西坤 |
6 | 实用新型专利 | 悬挂式吸痰管道冲洗装置 | ZL2014 2 0652494.7、2015年03月18日 | 韩静静 杨爱菊 于素娟 李 静 孙 兰 |
7 | 实用新型专利 | 双螺旋胃管固定贴 | ZL2014 2 0692650.2、2015年04月08日 | 薛洪范 于素娟 葛洪霞 王 可 赵 英 刘玲玲 纪祥菊 毛会清 |
8 | 实用新型专利 | 一种肿瘤放射皮肤反应的氧疗装置 | ZL2015 2 0077938.3、2015年09月09日 |